Today we got the wonderful news from FCI that they confirm that NV-08 Brilliant Bronze Siofra Little Elf is international Show Champion, the first Swedish Irish setter ever to be awarded C.I.E!!!
"Siofra" on the run
"Siofra" and two of her lovely puppies.
Siofras puppies have just turned 10 weeks but she is still in a fantastic showcondition and will enter the championclass at a Swedish Kennel Club show in the middle of May. She and we cant wait!!!
P.S. Siofras mother VDHCH Nordv-06 Kbhv-06 Brilliant Bronze Cutty Sark and Siofras halfbrother VDHCH SV-09 Brilliant Bronze Bryan Of Boyne have also won enough Cacibs to be awarded the titel international show champion, so their papers are at FCI to be considered and hopefully we will have another two international show champions soon! D.S.
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