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Suggestions for names for the 19 puppies of the Trawricka Kennel

We would like to have suggestions for names beginning with 'I' and no longer that 10 letters please.

Views: 86

Comment by Dee Rance on March 5, 2009 at 3:27am
I had a guide dog puppy called 'Ishka', I think you didn't have that one Laura or 'Ice tea' 'Isla' 'In the mood' 'Inspiration' I know that the last one was over 10 letters but I like it....How is the mum doing??
Comment by Charlotte Godart - Riverwood on March 5, 2009 at 7:20am
My suggestions:
I Kick Ass, IBN, Ice Cube, I'm Cute, I'm lovin it, I'm pretty, Impossible, In Your Eyes, Indepth, Indian love, Infatuation, Inferno, Intrigue, Irish Dream, Irish Dance, Iroquois, Isaac, Ivy League !
Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on March 5, 2009 at 8:42am
Names!!!, that's very nice game for me;
Iksigrekzet, Irish Cofee, Iron Lady, Irish Island, Ireland, Italia, Itinerant, Itself, I am, Iberia, Ice-Cream Bar, Icon, Idaho, Immediately, Ikar, Io, Iris, Izyda, Isztar, Izolda, Iuventus, Impression, Idol, Idyll -a, Illumination, Indiana (Jones), Indian Red, Indian Summer, Imagine, Impatiens, Incantation, Imperial, Impetuously, Improbably (Red), Impulse, Impudent, Inana, Incarnation, Incognito, Inspiration, Independent, India, Individual, Indomitable, Instant, Intriguing,
Investigator, Ikebana, Intelligence -nt, Isabela, Ingrid,
Comment by Nadine Bonjean on March 5, 2009 at 12:15pm
Bravo Laura et Anne!
Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on March 5, 2009 at 5:27pm
Ireland In My Mind, I'm in (from) Trawricka, I'm in Ireland (Italy, Inferno), ID, It's Ideal Irish..., It's Real..., Image, Inherited
And a bit of Latin:
Ignis (masc.) = fire, spark, star, light, love -r,
and many derivatives: Igneus, Igniculus, Ignifer, Ignipotens good for dogs with big temperament
Ilex (fem) =oak
Illustris (masc), Illustre (fem) = bright, radiant, famous, brilliant
Comment by Marta Magi on March 8, 2009 at 3:47pm
Inner Peace


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