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The hunt is up!/But I´m not sure,if the boars knew it./

Notice:Everyanimals from this action are still alive.People too./Only hunter credit no/.
Have a nice rest of week. 22.November Near Bratislava

Views: 60

Comment by Henk ten Klooster on November 28, 2008 at 1:00pm
Keep looking at that pic!

Wild boars are on the rise in numbers in most parts of Europe, so chances of meeting one with a dog as well. Even in densely populated countries like the Netherlands. Can be quite dangerous, more cases of killed or severely wounded dogs reported.

Some working setters can bring them down if needed. No fear here when one like Clancy would meet one she's quicker than Cassius Clay with a down to earth basic approach in everything from rats to whatever even retrieving hedgehogs. But not all here would succeed.

Anyway, its a good season for wild boars on the table!!!
Comment by Dee Rance on November 28, 2008 at 1:32pm
I think that it is nice to have Wild Boar, but they are, and have always been, some of the most dangerous of animals, and a sow with piglets is very dangerous, but a wild boar with piglets, well I would never want to meet one on a dark night, especially with my dogs.
Comment by Carmel Murphy on November 28, 2008 at 6:56pm
Hank I presume you talk about main land Europe? As far as I know neither Ireland or the British Isles have wild boar!! And would love to see some photos of your Clancy taking on wild boar!


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