Exclusively Setters

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not been on here for ages, so for a quick update.. Phil is doing fine, healthy, strong, slightly less crazy perhaps but proving to be a great family dog. I've a grandchild who dotes on him and Phil goes along with the cuddles quite nicely. He works well too.

He is 6 now and I am thinking of getting another setter to keep him company. The new dog has got to be an entire male (as P is) I reckon, aged around 6 months to a year. He'd be a working dog too in due course.

Has anyone gone down this route with success or not? It will help that the dogs will have someone around almost all of the time. I'd consider a rescue, perhaps the only way of getting a slightly older dog.



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Hi Bryan
I have an 9 yr young Irish boy and 3yr "wild Irish roses" Ruby & Poppy", they love the children Poppy more so. It sounds like you have given lots of thought to adding a new Irish, were you worried about two entire makes getting along? I visit the breeder from time to time and the boys are always happily getting along. You mentioned maybe a rescue, not sure in your country but most rescues going through a organizations nueter them before re-homing. How about maybe one needing re-homing from a breeder? Just a thought and others may have some idea/suggestions for you. All the best with you new addition, I think your boy at 6 makes for a good time to add another Irish. Take care

There is an 8 month old bitch on Irish setters UK & Irland. It is in Cambridgeshire and there are 2 pictures and her pedigree worth a look :)


Thanks for the reply Diane, I've had dogs and bitches before, all have got along, just didn't want to males facing off regularly (I've had terriers before and they were not much fun in this regard).

Thanks too Angela, I've had a look, she is a lovely looking dog and might be worth finding out about. Sounds that she has the bounce I'll need for a working dog. 8 months and not sold so is she a returnee to kennels? Not much info on her/price though so I might well call...



Your welcome Bryan. Good luck with whatever road you take.


will post when I get sorted and do some pictures too.





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