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It is with enormous sorrow that I write this. I had to put my baby down this morning. Dublin been having bad stomach problems from the potassium bromide he was on that were controlling very nicely his seizures. He has had runny stools for over a week and I saw both our vet and called the neuro about it. They didn't react quickly enough I am afraid to say because he woke today vomitting blood. He was trembling in pain and I rushed him to the vet and insisted they do the pancreatitis blood work. She didn't understand why I insisted on this test FIRST. I know that the drug he was on can cause it. She should have read more! Anyway he did have it and it had caused several ulcers hence the bleeding. He was in so much pain I just died. I ended his suffering earlier than some might think but I knew we couldn't afford all that was needed to be done today alone. Ultrasounds, IV and at least a week in the hospital let alone they had to stop his drugs and then start all over again with newer more expensive human drugs to try to control his seizures. And they said he would probably need surgery for the ulcers. I am pissed that money or lack of it meant he couldn't get a chance to survive but the end result is that he wasn't going to well even if I did have the money. He was suffering and I just couldn't do it anymore. I just didn't have 4 or 5 thousand dollars laying around. My household is devestated and my best friend is gone and I am so empty and I do not know how to go on without him here. He was only two but it felt like he had touched so so many people. Not a dry eye at the vets office and I have no idea how to tell all his friends at the dog park. He was just this huge presence in so many people's lives. My favorite breed, and I am afraid to get another one. But I don't think I can live without one either. Sigh.....sorry if I bummed anyone out. I just needed to vent and let my feelings out.

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I am so sorry for you and for Dublin, how sad that his life was so short. I know the anguish you have gone/are going through.
It is this kind of tragedy that breeders should strive to avoid - I trust the breeder has been informed and will refrain from breeding from Dublin's parents and siblings...
So sorry to read about your loss! But I'm sure it was the right decision to let him go and showes your deep love for him!
Oh Susan, how awful :( I am so sorry to hear this. Given how poor Dublin was suffering, you did the right thing and shouldn't beat yourself up about it. I know he's running free and happy now at the Bridge.

Oh dear...I am so sorry to hear your sad news..poor Dublin..he had to go through so much..at least you have had the opportunity to bring the suffering to an end..even though it is the most painful thing to do......thinking of you all ...and hope there will be happier days ahead....Rest in Peace sweet boy.....xxx
I am sorry to read the latest developments with your Dublin.I hope you will be able to take some comfort in knowing you gave him every opportunity and the best you could give ,to try to give him the best possible life.You brought joy into his life. I hope this experience will not put you off Irish Setters completely. If you did decide to try again I would perhaps contact the sectretary of the Irish Setter Club of America and ask if there are any known reputable Irish Setter breeders near where you live/or to recommend a good breeder even if you do have to travel further it would be worth it .Dont be afraid to ask the breeders about the animals they are breeding from, although ultimely you will have to trust their integrity.
Dublin will live on in your heart forever but hopefully your next experience will give you a happy healthy Irish Setter which is fundimentally the least we should expect from our dogs.
Thanks so much. Geez I feel like a truck hit me when I got up today. I woke to an email from his breeder. I did let her know yesterday what transpired since we have kept in touch since he was diagnosed. She offered me a replacement dog. Of course with my emotions raw and my heart broken and my house way to quiet I am seriously considering it. I am worried yes. But Dublin's full sister is there and I so would love to meet her. She offered her to me but I would prefer a puppy. I like to raise my dog. It is part of the whole experience for us. She has several males 6 months old from a different blood line that I can pick from. I am begging my husband to take the trip this weekend. I hope he will cave in because he felt it is too soon. I know it is never too soon for me. I am lonely already. And I have a warm bed, good food and a wonderful dog park waiting for the next dog to share it with. We are worried using the same breeder but she told me that Dub's grandfather was the epileptic dog and that it started after a rabies vaccine. Part of me says wait till spring, and the other part says do it now because I am sick and heartbroken and a puppy always makes things feel right again. Seriously weigh in on this. Did you wait? Am I being too quick because of emotions. It is about a 12 hour round trip and I hate to come home disappointed. Shouldn't I at least go look?
Please consider all options....Why has this breeder got 6 months old puppies left for sale ? In the UK we try to sell most of our puppies aged 8 weeks. Isn't there a breeder nearer to you? I know you would like a dog with a link to Dublin but on the other hand should you not consider different breeding lines? If you go and look you WILL come back with a dog. Will it be the right one? Please take your time to look around.....
I feel strongly about this... from what you told us previously I was given the impression that this breeder is not breeding Irish Setters with the best interest of the breed in mind. If you go back to her for another dog to replace the one you have just lost all you are doing is suporting her breeding policy. I feel you'd be far better off getting in touch with the Irish Setter Club of the US and enquiring about reputable breeders. Maybe paying more for a healthy pup will save you money on the long run too!
From what my research is telling me you are correct Vivian. I spoke for two hours today with a lovely lady who shows setters and occassionally will have a puppy available. She told me to steer clear of this lady. She has given me several leads to follow and told me who I should avoid. This would be easier if I had a friend who breeds setters!! Better yet a friend who is a vet!! Anyway I am raw already and going to call it a day, the dog park group is doing a little something for Dublin and putting a plack up on a tree there so he can spend the rest of eternity running free. I am sure I will cry a river again on Sunday doing that. It is important for them as well as me to not let his passing go without some sort of send off. And I am serious since you know how loving of a home I will give a new puppy, keep us in mind if anyone knows of a nice breeder here in the states. I know it is a genetic crap shoot but I want to at least improve my odds this time. Thank you. And Vivian I am so sorry for you loss.
susan this is such a lovely gesture from your friends in the park.dubs will well and truly be remembered and shows just how much other people also adored him.im sure quite soon youll be enjoing walks in the park again with a new puppy and been proud of the tree thats going to be dubs
best wishes
Yes great advice Vivian. And my emotions are raw and I am screaming inside for my dog. So rushing to get a new puppy won't necessarily heal my pain right now. But could throw me off my rocker for sure. Its hard at work, I am shaking half the day and feel such a heavy sorrow that I am trying to avoiding crying all day because my eyes are a mess! I demonstrate coffee machines on Saturdays and I swear I looked a mess today doing it. My eyes were swollen puffy etc. But it was good to get my mind off it for a few hours at least. Is this problem in all the setter lines you think? And yes the two potential breeders I filled out questionaires with who have new litters are both breeders from the club and also recommended by the other breeders who don't have litters due for a long time. I totally know that there is no guarantee and also felt my breeder of Dub wasn't to blame, that this is a random crap shoot of nature in some ways. I had the only pup that had it, but we had a heart defect in a sister of his also. They were also the unlucky ones. But I guess I understand that I have a higher risk of this happening to me again with my track record! Too image our lives without the red fur flowing is so painful, but my husband and I are now gun shy. We want one but keep pulling back in fear. He said another loss of a young dog would just kill him. That was why I ask are the field lines of setters experiencing the same issues although I want a bigger dog than that, and are the gordons and english suffering also?
You guys are right. You are I can't deny that I am uncomfortable with the same breeder and it isn't the same lineage as Dublin. But as it is right now my husband isn't keen on it. I have been looking for closer breeders and haven't had any luck before getting Dublin so I will look into that again. Thanks.




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