I wonder if anyone can recommend a good book on IRS from the point of view of a first time owner; either one that can be bought in UK or readily ordered from US.
Thanks a million Barbara will have a look for them, the others have seen on amazon etc seem to have very conflicting reviews and have been in a spin of which one to go for.
Eve Gardner's book is by far the best modern book published in the UK.
And Janice Roberts
The only book on the modern working Irish Setter is Ray O'Dwyer - The Irish Red Setter
If you want to read some history:-
Millner - The Irish Setter
Mrs Ingle-Bepler - Setters
Anna Redlich - The Dogs of Ireland
W.Marr - Pointers and Setters
Gilbert Leighton-Boyce - A Survey of Early Setters
Good American books -
Connie Vanacore - The Irish Setter
Thompson - The Irish Setter in Word and Picture