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Updated: Adverse reactions to worming with Drontal Plus

Has anyone else had this problem?, -  Wormed Rio yesterday afternoon with Drontral, he has had it before without any ill effects,  he was OK for an hour, then started to be sick and it continued with retching and salivating for over 2 hours, he also had diarrhoea.
 I certainly do not want to repeat the experience, - after all I had given him the tablets!, it was very distressing for both of us.
Recommendations please.

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Finn you made an interesting observation - despite my vets reassurence that it is OK I never worm and flea my dogs at the same time and never give either around the time of vaccinations. If the dog is ill you don't know which it is. I would never stop treating my dogs for these common canine diseases because they have revolutionized canine health but I am careful not to over load my dogs system at any one time
Thank You all for your comments, concern and advice, I am pleased to say Rio is back to on form and does not seem too fazed by the experience - dog's living in the moment etc.
I however!, - am not happy about giving my dog chemicals that can make him so ill and that 'all' wormer's are 'trial and error' until you find one that 'suit's', I do not want to give any dog something so toxic that it can cause fit's or even death.
I have taken the time to write to Bayer about their product and the 'dog press', no replies as yet.
I am going to seek advice on feeding garlic, I know my sister in law a breeder of Champion Shelties in Australia feeds it to her dog's with no ill effects.
Going off the subject of dog's here! - one old remedy for worming horses was to clip hair from it's tail and finely chop it into the horses feed and as the hair is indigestible it killed the parasites - what do they say about 'a little knowledge!' - I don't think this would work on dog's their own hair being too fine and I am not contemplating sneaking up on an unsuspecting horse and trimming it's tail!
I hope to seek out some efficient natural treatments and I know sometimes so called natural remedy's can have diverse affects, although hopefully not as toxic - isn't one of the rules of all medicine is - 'first do no harm?'.
Hi thought I would post the reply I received from Bayer, Thanks Ossin for recommending I inform them, Hadn't realised that adverse reactions had to be reported to the VMD. Have left contact details on should anyone else want to contact them and tell of their dog's reaction to their product.

Dear Ms Martin,

We were very sorry to learn that your dog was apparently unwell following the administration of Drontal Plus.

In order that we might investigate this matter further, we would be most grateful if you could possibly furnish us with the name and address of your veterinary surgeon; not only will this hopefully enable us to have a better idea of what happened but also facilitate the reporting of the case to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD). The VMD is the independent government agency responsible for the licensing and monitoring of veterinary medicinal products, and all suspected adverse reactions involving the use of licensed medicines must be reported to them.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention,

Best Regards

Animal Health

Bayer plc
Animal Health
EMail: animal.health@bayerhealthcare.com
Web: http://www.bayerhealthcare.com
Hi I have only just noticed this discussion.

A few years ago a dog I bred & his son, both owned by the same owner, were wormed with Drontal plus on the same day & both also bloated hours later. The dogs sister, my Promise, also bloated a few days after being wormed with Panacur liquid. Personally I think some dogs have a low tolerance to the substance in wormers.

I now always dread worming time. I have also found Panacur is not so effective at clearing worms from puppies as it once seemed.

I have recently used Milbemax with no adverse reactions & it is also effective against lungworm which seems on the increase
I've never had a problem with Drontal with the older dogs or with the pups.

If you are looking for something to consider using that is more natural, my gran uses a product called Multi-worm on her horses and also on the cats, can also be fed to dogs, pigeons and other small animals!
Heres the link for it

I had a similar experience many years ago with six Irish, all were sick after Drontal. I haven't used it since
. Milbemax is an alternative. Advocate is complete cover for fleas hook,lung, whip, and heart worm.also two types of mange. easy to apply and no side effects. Stronghold also protects against fleas heartworm and one type of mange is also easy to apply. Also talk to your vet and tell him/her that you are not happy with Drontal.
Thanks for your reply, I have taken all comments and replies on board, I notified my vet of Rio's reaction straight away. It never occurred to me that adverse reactions had to be reported to the VMD by manufacturers as part of the drug licensing rules and once again thank Ossian for recommending that I write to Bayer, I hope that people who's dogs have had similar reactions to Drontal or any other prescription drug will also report it.
very sad post, and thanks for the info!! we also use advocate, but drontal for the dewormer every 3 motnhs..so far without visible side effects.. had anyone bad experience whit the tolerance of advocate too? thanks !

I have just come across this discussion after googling 'Drontral Plus side effects',I never thought of looking on ES!

I went to the vet's on  Thursday for Elllie's check up.The vet asked me if the dogs needed worming which I know they did and he gave me 4x Drontral Plus for Fred(36k) three for Arthur(28k) and a Drontral plus XL for Ellie( 34k).They had the tablets later on that day

Yesterday Fred's stomach was making horrific noises and when I took him out for his walk he was,to say the least, loose.Then he had a sudden bout of horrible diarrhoea.He refused his food but by late last night he was back to his usual self.More worringly was Arthur's reaction.He too was off his food but, on the Friday evening, he had a definite fit,spasming and rigidity too.It lasted about three minutes.he then recovered and is fine today and back to eating again,no more fits either.Ellie seemed totally unaffected by the wormer.

I don't understand Fred's reaction as he has had Dontral before,he is never very well after having worm tablets but not like this time.Arthur has been regularly wormed since we had him and has also been ok.

I will tell my vet on Monday but should I take this further?

Did send details of Rio's reaction of  Dontral to Bayer, got a reply saying that my concerns had been registered, also told my vet and now use an alternative wormer. It is worrying when your dog has a severe adverse reaction as the contra indications are not always listed on the packaging and your vet does not always make you aware of them either, guess like humans - animals can have a sudden reaction to medicines, it is worrying that reactions range from mild to severe and I am very concerned that worming and flea treatments are so toxic.


I wormed all my adults today with Drontal Plus, no ill effects so far.

Ive used these pills for years on my dogs and they have never had any bad reactions to them.


Must say though, after reading your comments I am slightly worried about using it in the future.  I think I will be using Milbemax next time.

I spoke to a vet on the DEFRA Veterinary Medicines Directorate stand at Crufts, they expect vets and drug co's to report cases of adverse reaction to any drug, but now want owners to do the same, here is the link  http://www.vmd.defra.gov.uk/adversereactionreporting/ 

I find it worrying that so many dogs are having adverse reaction to wormers, and that Fits and Bloat have been a result is more so, it's even more important to report these to VMD, even if they were some time back, the vets will still have the case notes on file, should it be found that the vet did not report the case to VMD, they could follow it up. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Vets have to give you a printout of your animals case notes on request, this will help you with dates etc.




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