Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I know this is a mainly an Irish setter website but I have both an English setter who is nearly 13 and an Irish Setter at 10 months.


I was just wondering why there are so few English setter puppies around in the UK at the moment there such a wonderful breed, is there no demand for English setters anymore ?


Does anybody know why this is ?

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Hi Alison,

I also have an English Setter, along with my Irish girl & yes, they are a wonderful breed. I'm in Australia & the only English Setters I see is through the breed clubs or at shows. My girls went to obedience school for 7 years & during that time, we only ever came across 2 English Setters. I very rarely ever see them walking in the street.

So, I cannot answer your question. I would have another ES in a heartbeat. I love both breeds very much & can't imagine my life without both of them.
I know what you mean Alison, I phoned the ESA last week to see about a new puppy and there were 3 available across the whole of the UK and apparently only 500 registered by the KC last year and of course the lower the number of ES the smaller the gene pool. So it looks like they are going to become a rare breed!! Husband says I can't have another but WE'LL SEE!! I might start looking in earnest at the end of this year, he always comes round in the end and who could resist an ES puppy!
There has just been a litter in the west of Scotland! I think all setters are for discerning people and sometimes whichever setter it is has enough dogs to go round and sensible breeders dont take litters.

Perhaps there is a glitch and breeders are waiting for the next generation to come up through the ranks to see what is nice, what is sound.
They'll be back
English Setters aren't quite listed as a "Vulnerable Breed," with the kennel Club, but are heading that way because of the considerable drop in numbers and gene pool.
Here in NZ it's the same problem - buyers but no puppies. I'm planning a litter later this year from my Ch Shelta Star Dancer, but I have an added dilemma in that finding a stud dog of the "English" type in NZ is becoming well nigh impossible! No wish to offend our US members but there is hardly any "English" type dogs here now & I am not a fan of the US type dogs here - too many are too much like white Irish with spots - I get very, very dispirited...
Susan, I went down the frozen semen from England & AI route & got 5 lovely Irish Setter puppies - from a 6 1/2 year old maiden bitch too!. I was very lucky though!




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