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I checked and this discussion has already been started on this site. I read a few comments. I could not read the complete discussion. I decided to raise this discussion again in this group because I believe every member will be sympathic. I believe it is noteworthy that debarking has been banned in the UK because this procedure is deemed as mutilation. From my research very few vets debark dogs in the USA and there are steps in place to also ban this procedure. Unfortunately Australia continues to lag way behind and never learns from the mistakes of other countries. We are supposed to be a country of animal lovers. I continue to seriously question this.
I am seeing first hand the dreadful consequences of this barbaric, mutilating procedure performed by a vet for the convenience of an English Setter breeder. This is happening to my sweet Hammer. The consequences of this barbaric procedure could end Hammer's life. If you knew Hammer, he has an incredible temperament, he is a total gentleman, all he asks is for you to love him. When Hammer came to me on 22 November 2006 he was traumatised because his voice had been taken away from him.
Hammer became a Grand Champion for his previous owners.
I have attached a recent photo of Hammer, taken 2 days after his 10th Birthday, not a good photo but this photo shows his complete devotion to me, lying beside my computer chair, which he is doing right at this very moment. I feel humbled and privileged that this beautiful English Setter loves me so much and I hope we can get him through the trauma he is suffering. He is coughing up blood. He is struggling to breathe. He does not deserve to continue to suffer this way.
It is my opinion that debarking is a barbaric and mutilating procedure and this procedure should be banned in every country in this world. I am going to do what I can to ban this procedure in Australia. I am usually a flexible person but in this instance I will not consider any reason for debarking any dog. The problem is with the human. The problem is not with the dog.
OMG, I thought it had been banned worldwide, how can people that call themselves dog lovers subject a dog to this barbaric procedure? Not only should the owners be called to justice, the vets that performed the op should be struck off. I know it is illegal over here, but if it wasn't and I found out that my vet had performed the op, then I would most definately change vets and let them know why.
Bless your dear old lad, please give him a hug from me and Henry xx
Thank you, Sheree, Sue and Cash and Sally and Martin
I knew you would understand.
Also, I apologise to Sheree and others who commented on the last photos I uploaded on my page because I have not yet responded. I have had a lot going on at home so have not had time to visit the site. I will get back soon.
I have been worried about Hammer's throat for quite some time but there is no question about what is going on now. Hopefully Hammer will respond to the treatment and the problem can be managed.
I just gave Hammer a hug from you, Sheree, and he says "thank you very much for caring about him, and Henry too". xx
Dear Gigi
Thank you for caring about Hammer. We both appreciate this so much.
Bless you Susan for all what you are doing to help our dear pets!!! If we were to "de-speak" all stupid people around us, the earth will be very quiet suddenly.
Like all of you I just cannot believe that this procedure was authorised, let alone still used, that a dog owner can be that crual to ask for it to be done is already more than horrible but that professionals like vets, who know too well the consequences, can accept to perform such a barbaric surgery, this is simply not acceptable, this is montruous.
I am so sorry that this happened to your lovely Hammer, and I hope he will respond well to his new treatment.. poor poor handsome lad... I am so very sorry that some of my human breed could pay back his love and devotion with such crual and barbaric procedures. I am really happy Hammer is under your care Susan, he cannot find a better Mum and friend. Congratulations for all your devotion Susan, big cuddles to Rose, Hammer and Hobson.
Dear Sherry
Thank you for your best wishes for Hammer. We really appreciate this.
Dear Chantal
Thank you for your kind thoughts for Hammer. He had another bad night last night. I am hoping so hard the treatment takes effect before the end of the week. For now I am concentrating on Hammer but I intend to raise this matter with the RSPCA. Tail docking has been banned in Australia yet some vets are still debarking dogs. My experience with Hammer is that he is not a nuisance barker. None of my English Setters have ever been nuisance barkers. I don't think the breed is like this. An English Setter only barks for a specific reason.
Lots of good wishes and hugs to you from Hammer, Rose, Hobson and their mum
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