Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Anyone interested in meeting up for a Setter get together :) We are based in Downings, Co. Donegal but are willing to travel for a few hours. If we make it a good beach area we could bring the rig and if people wanted to try some mushing they could. Depends on how hot it is though.



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Lets see how everyone is fixed in relation to September then?

More replies please!

I wish I lived in Ireland , so I could come too! Would love to meet up with you all.


That has been suggested before. There are probably 50-60 Dalriach IRWS in Scotland, mostly in the NE. The Scottish Club doesnt seem to be interested in getting any new members, and the only thing they organise is the Club show down in the borders, well away from where most of the Scottish IRWS live. I'm not in the most accessible place either, up in the hills :)) but I have about fifteen  acres around the house with about a mile of river bank, so its a fun place for dogs, with Clashindarroch Forest about 3 miles up the road where there are ski and mushing tracks

And an excellent pub close by, which is said to have the world's largest pub collection of malt whisky, eight hundred bottles on the shelves and 300 on optic

Maybe we could organise a barbecue or tea and home bakes sometime next summer? Unless some mushers want to come and try out the forest tracks. A good time to come up here is early August when the Scottish field trials are on, several of them are held within an hours drive from here

count me in! Maybe we could persude Rita to bring her mushers!

Sounds like a plan Margaret!




Very tempting Margaret! I would also love to see some of the field trials;o))

Hi everybody, just thought i'd let you know that a (mini) meet actually took place this evening at beautiful Castlerock beach (adjacent to Downhill beach). It was hastily arranged as myself and Noreen were actually passing through Coleraine and we rang David and Chantal McIlveen-Wright and before we knew it we were having a very enjoyable walk and chat by the sea air. Romeo, Darwin and little Mac had a great time on the sand and Chantals' sister also came along. The ground has therefore been broken in preparation for a larger meet-up when an amicable date can be agreed!

Yours in ES frienship,


I hope you took photos James :D


One of Rua's older daughters lives up near Castlerock;o)) A good start guys;o)) Yes hope there are some photos too;o)

Er, I was too busy enjoying the pleasant company. I think David might have taken one or two. I wish now that we had got a passer by to take a group photo!


I managed to take a few before the memory card was full!

It looked like rain ... but it was actually quite nice ...

Romeo likes it here!

Doesn't he look like he's enjoyong himself?


Mac's first time at the sea!

and he loved it!


Chantal, James and a two-headed dog!



Great photos David;o) Looks like Mac and Romeo had a ball!! Love the dark clouds in first photo too;o))




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