Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Val Martin

How many of you have had 'no issues' with your Setters?

I have been reading through some of the discussions on this site and I couldn't help noticing how many training and behavioural issues have come to light ....

Destructive, noisy, disobedient, separation anxiety, hyper, fussy eaters to name but a few! 

It would be interesting to know how many of you have had no problems (excluding health) with your Setters and have found the breed to be very trainable and a 'doddle' to live with and why, in your opinion, do other people seem to come up against these problems with their dogs.



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I agree Ursula;o) All problems with my setters have been my fault(but I have learned a lot along the way)

Hi there Ursular I have lots with mine...;o) but that could be ME I just don't know how to deal with mental dogs, or perhaps they don't know how to deal with mental owner.....;o(

Sorry to say Dee...yes, its YOU....:-)

Haha...I think your dogs would agree if you just let them join in on this discussion...

Ah but that is what makes us superior....ha ha they do actually rule the house...and I do exactley as I am told...they bark I obay...perhaps that is where the problem arises...so come over to Scotland Ursula and teach me how it is done...god knows I need something, or someone...lol..;o))

There you are Dee!

All under controll, as far as I can see...they bark, you obey...no issue, unless you dont obey quickly enough! :-)

I wonder what the dogs would say if they could write about us!
They would most certainly have plenty of "issues" to vent!
Well with older age Ursula, I am not as quick as I used to be, will they get 'narked' if I don't obay quick enough????...lol...;o)
Dee....I will come to Scotland and...train you...to train your dogs!........we would have a good laugh if nothing else.. :-)))
Well perhaps it will be a house full...I need all the training that I can get...lol...once upon a time I could do it but now...well they rule...I have 3 extra bedrooms so all are welcome...;o)
3 extra bedrooms!!!....A stately home in Scotland sounds good to me..:-))
We shall all come over and get trained by your dogs...oh sorry! TRAIN your dogs...I think that was the way it was ment...:-)




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