Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I have only been a member of this site for one week and I am horrified at the thought of entering into a discussion!

I joined because I have always liked Gundogs, especially Setters of all varieties and have been thinking of owning one or maybe even two.

My friend who is a member said to me a few months ago "Bel, I have found a lovely site for Setter enthusiasts and the people on there are so nice and friendly".

I am sorry to say, after reading through some of the latest discussions, I don't share her opinion at all!

All I have read are aggressive, verbal attacks on members who do not share the opinions of a few regular contributors who gang up on anyone who dares to disagree with their point of view.

I don't know how many members there are on here, but it seems the whole site is run by a few 'know alls' who delight in making other members valuable contributions to discussions a very unpleasant experience for them.

Some on here will probably say I should hold no opinions at all because I am a 'newbie' to this site.

Well sorry, I loath bullying in any shape or form and that's what I see happening on here!

Maybe I will test the water on a site for a different gundog breed because from what I have read so far on here, setter breeders are not people I would like to have any more contact with.

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Well, I have a working setter and have intentions to breed from her. The most important thing for me is to find a suitable partner for her. High working quality and a low 10 generation COI (below 5). In the meantime I have plenty of time to run all the necessary tests.  Her scores will be online by that time and if there is anything wrong I won't breed from her.



Hi Astrid, which do you value more.....a high working quality or a low COI?  Under 5% is very low over 10 generations.  Even the experts are agreed that it can be higher than that.  Do you hip score?

Hi Eva,


both are important to me. I want them to be able to work and a low COI. It can be done but it takes time. Her COI is 8.9 which is low nowadays. I am looking for a partner for her that lowers the COI to below 5. It can be done but it takes time to find the right partner.

And yes, before I breed from her I will have her hip scored, CLAD, PRA tested and DNA tested for PRA rcd4.

Good luck Astrid....I hope you are successful.

Welcome Annabel,

 We are not all like that enjoy all the pictures and story from true setter lovers

Hi Karen, I think you will find Annabel left ES ages ago............we have just hijacked her discussion!
Oops.  Perhaps my comment was too late.  Sorry I missed your note, Eva. 

Hi and welcome!  I have been absent from the site for a month or two ... got busy with non-setter business!  But I hope you stay and contribute a nice balance to the less positive types of posts you've seen.  I have rarely seen the types of discussions you note ... maybe I just stop reading ones that go down that road and instead just enjoy and comment on all the lovely pictures people post.  Anyway, do stay and see if things improve!


Okay, editting to say that after looking through all the many responses, Annabel never posted back even once.  Was this a fake post or something???  I mean, why would you bother posting just to say that you never, ever intended to post again ... just leave if it doens't suit you.  Geez.

The only contact I have had with Val Martin was that she made some beautiful comments about my English Setter children and she favourited at least one of their photos. However, seeing that his post has come up again, I have decided to say a few things. I have been a member of ES since 2007. I have rarely contributed to discussions but I “dipped my feet in the water” recently, only to be bullied unnecessarily. I would have spoken out at the time except the site administrator Gene had already intervened so I felt it was best not to give the bullies any more attention. I was called a “no-body” by an Irish Setter/English Setter breeder. Aside from the fact that calling another human being a “no-body” shows extremely poor manners, just because I am not a breeder, does not mean that I am a “no-body”.

I was born with a great love of animals and I have spent my life with animals since I was brought home from hospital as a baby. I was given the responsibility of caring for my first dog when I was 10yo. This dog happened to be an Irish Setter. I will not tell you how old I am because I have become too old. I have had in excess of 45 years experience caring for dogs which has included continuing research and trialling this research which has involved every aspect of owning a dog e.g. nutrition, training etc. I have been researching natural healing and natural health for humans and animals since I was a teenager. I have owned the English Setter breed for 22 years. Just because I am not a breeder does not mean that I know “no-thing” and that I am a “no-body”. This particular breeder who called me a “no-body” has used Chilworth in her English Setter bloodlines. The Chilworth breeder, Elizabeth Culverwell and the Pamploma breeder, Jean Preece gave me silver medal to which was attached a blue ribbon which Gr Ch Pamploma Chilworth Lad won at a prestigious dog show in New Zealand in 1988, the year my English Setter, Bandit was born. The reason was because these two breeders respected me so much. Jean Preece also offered me the “pick” of the litter in the last English Setter litter she bred in 2003 which combined the best of Chilworth, Pamploma and Tybyrn bloodlines. These two reputable English Setter breeders do not consider me a “no-body” even though I am not a breeder.

Even though I have a great deal of experience caring for a dog I am an imperfect human being. I make mistakes. I suffer stress. I do not believe I know it all. However, I do the very best I can for each of my animal children and I can honestly say I love them unconditionally.

There is no excuse for bad manners. I personally believe the behaviour should be improved on this site but I am not the site administrator and I am certain Gene does not want to be bothered with the bad behaviour of adults who should know better. Each member should be allowed to talk about their own experiences without abuse. Each member should realise they know very little, if anything, about another member unless they are personally acquainted. Just because an owner is new to the breed does not mean that they cannot discover something new which other more experienced members can learn from.


And the persorn who called you a 'nobody' said she would leave this site but has come back and carries on as if nothing has happened!

It is the prerogative of every woman to change her mind.

Hi Catherine,

This shows her arrogance.

Arrogance is directly related to rudeness which is directly related to bullying. Any human being, male or female, can change his or her mind. This is not relevant to what is going on. 

I have been personally targeted by certain ES members because I expressed views they did not like for whatever reason/s?? Because I do not read the ES discussions regularly I did not realise how prevalent this type of rude behaviour has become. If members want this site to continue to be better than the rest, the bullying needs to be stopped.




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