Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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yes, indeed a big thanks!!! and congrats to wee mac:)

Thank you for all your supportive comments they are much appreciated.  PLEASE do continue to send in your results to kenn-slo@ntlworld.com, forwarding a copy of your certificate and also the sire , dam, sex and country of residence of the dog. We (SEISC) are delighted that everyone is finding it useful and we will continue to update as long as appropriate.

Gill K-S

VWW-10 Fairhaven Brown Eyed Girl CLEAR (WW-08 VWW-10 Asoftwind of the Golden Vale - Crazy's Beauty)

Clonageera Starstrider by Cataluna CLEAR (GBShCh Cataluna Gee Whiz - Gemstone I Am Clonageera)

Applegrove Look At Me I'm Natalie CLEAR (Grove Creek's Xtreme Quick Blow - VWW-10 Fairhaven Brown Eyed Girl)

Applegrove Westward Ho CARRIER (WW-08 VWW-10 Asoftwind of the Golden Vale - Applegrove Sweet American Romance)

By consequence:

Applegrove Star-litter CLEAR (Clonageera Starstrider by Cataluna - VWW-10 Fairhaven Brown Eyed Girl)

Applegrove Mel-litter CLEAR (C.I.E. Nordv-09 Estw-10 Ltw-11 Pendoric Foggy Perfection - Applegrove Look At Me I'm Natalie)

Cataluna PP-litter CLEAR (Cataluna Regency Rake - VWW-10 Fairhaven Brown Eyed Girl)

And none from Applegrove Will-, Look-, Bell- and Berry-litters can ever develop PRA RCD4

Still waiting for more test results!

Yes, he is.

Thank you very much, I agree with Susan and hopefully we can all work together to have a healthy Irish Setter. 



Great results everyone has posted over the past week or so!  So good to see so many clear and carrier results coming through.

I also would like to echo what everyone else has said about the great work Gillian is doing with the SEISC website.  Such an invaluable listing for the breed.  Thanks Gillian.

I wrote to the kennel club about the lists and received a response back to the effect that they can only publish what the AHT and individual members send them and this is what they have done.  They haven't received any information on affected dogs so have not included that list.  The next update is in November........hopefully it will be more comprehensive!!!
Although this would seem logical I'm afraid the answer is sorry - but no. Our list is only for those people who have expressly given their permission for us to publish their results.

Good news from Poland this time - our lovely boy "Conner" GIPSY WIND z Arislandu (Shandwick TOPAZ x Vicary's XUNI) - CLEAR

I'm so happy! :))))

Happy for you, Aga!! :-))
me happy as well as you can imagine! holding thumbs now for one of his wives :-)
congratulations laura aga and all others whose results have been good news for them




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