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Many years ago, Craig doherty advertised in The "Field" for contibutors to his fledgling magazine. I sent him a resume and earned a spot in the second issue. The article FIELD TRIAL'S UNSUNG HEROES now hangs under glass at the Bird Dog Museum.
Several of my articles appeared in later issues; but, I noted with dismay that they were heavily edited, or in some cases completely rewritten! I called Mr. Doherty and told him that- "You will never receive another manuscript from me!" And, he hasn't!!
There were some other instances - where he published negative articles about the The Bird Dog Foundation's location (authored by someone else) and the policies of its operation.
The media - like fire - can be useful or detrimental. Let's always remind ourselves - they intend to market their product.

R.J. Schweiger

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I am not quite certain as to where this discussion is supposed to lead (if anywhere) or if this basically is a discussion about Mr. Doherty (whom I have never heard about).

But I would like to add a reply to the last sentance: The media - like fire - can be useful or detrimental. Let's always remind ourselves - they intend to market their product.

"The media" = Editors and writers are like all humans (and dogs for that matter) = individuals. We all have our own viewpoints and values and will work with these in mind. Whenever I interview a person I will at all times let that person read the text (and suggest changes) before publishing.
So perhaps it is safer NOT to talk about media in sweeping terms.
We dont all twist the truth to sell more copies!
Is this "the" Bob Schweiger, originally from Illinois, with a string of field-trial Irish Setters, rode horseback clear across the USA to raise funds for the then-fledgling Bird Dog Museum & Hall of Fame? If so, WELCOME!!!!!

You may not remember me, but I certainly remember you, your wife, the then-teenage son, and the 32 Irish you entered in our local club's very first field-trial in Edmond, OK! I had never seen anything like you pulling into the grounds with horses, all those dogs (including a bitch with a litter of puppies!), and how hard you had to ride to run all those dogs - you were half of our entries and rode, it seemed, every single, cotton-pickin' brace!

I look forward to hearing more from you!

If you're not "that" Bob Schweiger, then you're in good company!

Londa Warren, Edmond, OK
"Miss" Londa:

You guessed it! I'm what's left of that Ol' Saddle Tramp that carried you back to the breakaway on the pommel of my saddle - when your horse left you afoot out on the course. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then.
I've relocated permantly to this little town (Hurtsboro) in Alabama, and have tried to"retire" on more than one occasion. I find it just can't be done!!
I've been divorced for a couple of years (it was my choosing) I won't go into detail - but I'm enjoying my independence. It's good to be free!
I just have one dog, and one horse now, and they are mostly for "looks." But, I would feel naked without them!
Instead of chasin' bird dogs now; I chase the "bad" guys in the area. I was elected Constable here in Russell County, and have had my hands full with the corruption that runs rampent at Town Hall.
Perhaps you have heard of Phenix City, where during world war II crime was so bad they brought martial law in to clean up the place. Well! Phenix City is the County seat of Russell County - and Hurtsboro is cloned to its likeness.
I could run on at length - but will resist the temptation. Don't be a stranger!!!!
I must say this all sounds amazing to me! 32 entries by one person?
Sounds as if there is a definate record there!
Like how can you ever TRAIN 32 dogs?
Or for that matter transport them from one place to another?

Also (at least to me) being an elected Constable in Alabama sound totally fantastic! I just love the southern parts of the US, and yes, I can picture you there! Horse and all.

So tell us how can you enter 32 dogs in one sweep?
And how do you prepare them and get them all individually trained for the job?
As a "pro" bird-dog trainer, you equip your truck with a cargo bed designed with kennels that will hold two dogs if necessary. And, a horse trailer is also altered to carry both horses and dogs. You may also have noted that a number of the dogs were nursing pups. I know that the number seems mind boggling. But larger numbers of dogs and horses are carried annualy to the northern prairies for summer training.
How do you train large numbers of dogs? You work 24/7/365 if you are dedicated, honest, and have the support of your clients.
I'm enjoying the Constable bit! It adds another experience to an already adventurous life. It almost equals the thrill I felt when I completed my horseback ride from Chicago to Oklahoma City!
I'm like the rest ... not quite sure where this is leading to.

Still, I feel R.J. is giving us an iceberg here: a tiny glimpse of something big hidden away... meaning a wealth of knowledge.

I'm not actually interested in a discussion about 'the media' as views differ and the truth is mostly a shaded grey rather than simple black & white.
I am more interested in the articles R.J. mentions and would love to hear more. We on this side of the pond are sadly ignorant about the US scene and even more so the US Field scene , so maybe you could fill us in and tell us more about your articles?




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