Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
Every night around 10.30 my Kerry comes and stands at the study door and gives me a firm stare. If I do not respond then a call to attention is signaled with a few reminder barks. It is bed time. We walk together to the back door, I let him out. A tap signals that the ritual is to continue. A kiss goodnight for dad (cheek to cheek rub) and down we head to his bean bag. Circle, circle, circle, sigh. Cover and a tuck of his blanket and a wish good night, Family think it is very funny but I know I am loved. A special ritual that he has worked out for the two of us to finish our day. What special ritual has your setter worked out for you to share?
Would you have it any other way though Howard. Kerry and I still are at the ritual stage. He strongly believes that I am a novice. That is why I do not always move when he first stares. I love it when his eyebrows start to wiggle. If there was a ES site for setters his posts would be "How do you teach a mature human to respond to directions quicker"
None of my friends have dogs so they cant belive how much my live is run around Finlay, like rushing home to make sure he's fed on time, as i type i'm getting the stare and the eyebrow wiggle as it's time for breakfast, best go (",)
I use bribes. A dog biscuit if you go outside and be good!!!!
No your not the only one, it's not to bad if it's just me going out i give him a treat when i leave then one when i return, but if i'm leaving at same time as my daughter it's terrible as she doesn't realise you cant hang about just go straight out the door and she's always looking in the mirrow on way out, that gives Finlay a chance to give you the dont go with out me look (",)
Finn we don't really need an Alarm system for us. As soon as they hear our cars on the granite drive they sound the mournful you left us howling song. Both together in harmony, loud and long. It stops as soon as I put the key in the front door. They sit in the open courtyard and with the surrounds it acts like a amphitheatre. Our neighbors have reassured us that it only happens when we come home.
My first setter Gemma -god bless her shes running in setter heaven now.
when she did the irish jig, her eyes used to shine bright blue and she had this wonderful way of shouting at me in her own doggy way-reminded me of charlie the cat in the old road saftey adverts on tv lol
Wonderful how they all know the time. Terrible on days off lie-ins are a no no
I sit here at 5.30 am. Yes Karen it Sunday. The tap and nuzzle to go out side only happens this early only on Sunday. Work days it is a respectable 6.30 wake up call.
I know that very well :-) Every night about the same time as yours, Felix goes to the bedroom door and looks at me very insisting and if that is not enough he calls me to the door :-) If i am not ready to go to bed he still wants me to tuck him in and turn on the radio :-) If i takes too long to come to bed he will come and get me......always the same ritual, he also makes me feel loved <3
Felix you are boy after my own heart. When your mum and myself share how special our boys are, some non doggy people roll their eyes. Alas they have never been owned by such intelligent caring creatures. :-). We are very lucky Charlotte.
Yes your right, I do consider mys self very lucky :-)
Your dogs are VERY beautiful :-)
I am considering to buy a dog nr 2, a female as i wish to breed. The numbers of Irish Setters in Denmark is declining rapidly because people think it is a dog ONLY for hunting...they are not aware what a perfect family dog it is, friendly and loyal beyond boundries. I would hate to see the breed disapering completely and insted of accusing others I better start with myself and do something ;-)
Actually I would like to buy a dog from another country to get new blood but matby it will be to expensive ???? but we will see, I have only just started thinking about it :-)
If you have some good advice on breeding I would appriciate very much :-)
Sadly Charlotte, I don't breed. We don't have the room and have fallen in love with the Solasdas Irish with Marie. Perhaps when we move out of the city but it does make me think what if. Mate Select for breeding co-efficients or here in Aus some serious maths, clad and pra1 & 4 tests, hip scores and no bloat history would just be a start for me as a non breeder. Temperment, movement and not an exaggerated Irish that complemented my Irish would just be important too. Ribbons and Rosettes would not be a factor, but shows do allow you to see Irish on the move and several dogs from the same Kennel. You and your camera can get some action shots of dogs on the move. I have done this for the Royal Melb Show and its interesting using the breed standard with the movement shots to learn more about the Irish that you are seeing. A caring breeder of your new Irish is a must too, someone who is willing to mentor you to enhance a branch of their lines. How exciting to be in a position to start this journey rather than just dream about it. There are so many wonderful Irish and breeders on this site to look at and speak to you will be in good hands.
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