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Hi all,
Sorry am kind of venting but am really upset. We had to rush Ollie to the vets tonight. I got home and a few minutes before Dan said Ollie had thrown up.  He conked out on the floor and would barely move and lost control of his bowel too, really weird as he's been perky and happy all day.  Called the vets as after what happened with Eva last year I never take a chance with anything. They have kept him in overnight and they are running bloods and doing abdominal and chest xrays to check he is okay.  I'm just really upset, even though I called the vet nurse a while ago and she said he's been sitting up and wagging his tail when other dogs walk past.  To see him collapsed on the floor just brought back all the memories of when I lost my beloved Eva at 11 months to AIHA and she collapsed (for very different reasons).  This time I said I don't care if it is just sickness I am not taking the gamble and wasting any time.  My vets were amazing and saw him literally in two minutes and decided to keep him in.  I know he's in the best place but I still feel so crappy.  He's only a baby.  Why is this all happening all over again?  We do everything right by him, even last month the vet saw him for his 6 month check and said she couldn't hope to see a healthier dog, he's always so bouncy and mad (as you may see from my previous posts!)  I'm just praying to God that he will be okay as I'm just so so anxious.  I hate the house without him, I know he's in the best place in the world for him right now but I just feel like utter rubbish.  If anyone has got any words of support I could really do with them as I find myself just crying, partly for him, but partly because the memories of when I lost Eva are still all to real. 

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So sorry to hear your news and how you are feeling, its terrible when they are ill and away from us, I had my boy (another Ollie!) away from me for days at a time a couple of years back and its horrible, the house feels so empty.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your boy with be back home with you soon and be all well and safe and happy.
Keep us all imformed of how he goes, will be thinking of you.
Danielle xxx
Really strange...vets called us and said all xrays are clear (thank god) but he threw up four more times in the vets tongiht. They don't have any idea so far what is causing him to be sick but they've given him an injection to stop him from throwing up and pass it through his system, and they are keeping him on fluids. He's been sitting up apparently and wagging his tail when dogs walk past but they don't understand why he threw up so much so they're monitoring him to be on the safeside. Thank God for insurance! Will keep informed and know more in the morning. Just miss him so much. Don't like thinking he's not in his bed tonight. Sleep well little buddy, hope you'll be back home where you belong tomorrow x x x
So sorry to hear Ollie is ill Nicky. I understand exactly how you feel because I had a similar sudden illness thing with Maeve when she was just six months old. Different symptoms, but she could barely move without pain, and they kept her in and on a drip. We never did find out what caused it, in spite of tests etc., but the good thing is that she completely recovered and has, thank God, been absolutely fine since. Like you I was in bits at the time and you do feel so helpless, but hopefully Ollie too will make a good recovery. Maybe he ate something and got rid of it? The fact that he is sitting up and taking notice at the vets is surely a very good sign. Please keep us posted and let us know how he is. Ruth
Thank you all for your kind replies. I've had one numbskull from work send me a message 'ah well it's only a pet' - I'll be having words tomorrow! Unless people own a dog, and especially setters, you just don't know what it's like when they are sick. Ruth, you hit the nail on the head, I've got a headache and not been able to eat much tonight at all. Just miss our boy so so much, all I want to do is give him a huge hug and then let him rest in his own bed rather than some vets hospital xx
Hi Nicky
what a shame....you must be so anxious about poor ollie but i am sure he is in excellent hands and will make a speedy recovery
people that don't own and love a setter like we do don't always understand what it is like to worry about them when they are unwell
i lost my setter last year, granted he was 13 but had been unwell for some time prior to this with heart problems and suffered from epilepsy
i now own a 8 month old setter and hope he does not inherit similar medical conditions
keep us all posted on little ollies recovery
I hope your Ollie is getting better and he will be home soon. I completely understand how you feel, especially after losing your Eva such a short time ago. My best wishes for his speedy recovery and look forward to reading your good news that he is home safe and well. XO
Oh I so understand and feel for you. Once you lose a young dog you worry even more with the next. Hoping to log on tomorrow and hear good news that Ollie is heading home and feeling well.




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