Exclusively Setters

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We finally had to make the decision to say goodbye to our beautiful Red, Sadie on 15th August (only now feel able to write about it).

Sadie was 11 and had been diagnosed with a tumour on her heart back in March following a routine check-up as we had changed to a new vet closer to home.

She was completely oblivious to this time bomb and we decided not to change anything except to exercise for 10-15mins, twice a day rather than one big walk a day.  She remained happy and eager for her walks, eating well and being our beautiful girl.

It all happened so fast.  On the Friday morning she seemed off her food but ate it when I hand-fed her.  Apart from that, she seemed her normal self.  She ate dinner fine.  Saturday morning was the same & again no other indication throughout the day, had a nice walk, ate her dinner fine.  Sunday morning, the same - only took her food when I hand fed her.  Sunday evening, she ate her dinner ok but as she was resting I felt that her breathing seemed to be more of an effort than normal - but nothing significant.

Monday morning - off her food completely.  Breathing definitely harder for her.  She seemed comfortable otherwise except for an occasional cough.  Made an appointment at the vets for the following day.  That night, she slept with us as I just had an awful feeling.  She struggled to settle and wouldn't come up on the bed as she usually would - a sleepless night for all.

Vet checked her over, heart sounded normal with the usual occasional dropped beat because of the tumour.  Her lungs were clear although the vet agreed it sounded like she was working harder to breath.  She had some sensitivity around her throat so the vet suggested kennel cough and gave antibiotics.  We were sceptical!

After that she deteriorated fast.  I could only tempt her to eat very small amounts of salmon which I had to hand feed to her.  She refused all of her meds and her cough was worse, plus she started to be sick every so often - mostly bile and mucus as nothing in her tummy.  When she settled, she seemed very comfortable and we made sure she stayed that way for as much time as possible.

Friday morning, she was a lot brighter.  No longer coughing, a little keener to eat - but still hand fed.  Wanted lots of cuddles and fuss.  Review at the vets, I had a feeling, having sat with her and been unable to feel a regular heart rhythm.  He confirmed she was in heart failure and advised us that it was time to put her to sleep.  So difficult to believe as she was so bright - she even jumped in the car - something she hadn't been able to do for a couple of years!!!  We took her home and as I couldn't bear for her to be PTS at the vets as she hated it there.  Our vet was brilliant.  He came out to the house, was so kind and calm and she went to sleep on her favourite sofa having hugs and kisses from us both.

She was the greatest dog ever.  She was very loving, loyal and hugely eccentric.  All her funny little ways made her the dog we loved and there will never be another one like her.  She came into our lives nearly four years ago at a time where my health was not great.  She helped me heal, she gave me a purpose and the strength to carry on.  When I had bad days, she would lay with me and wouldn't leave my side.  On better days she loved her walks, checking in with me often to make sure all was ok.  She was hugely perceptive and seemed to know she was what I needed and was the centre of my world!

A much longer post than I had anticipated - sorry folks!  Once I started, it felt cathartic to type it.  She is much loved and can never be replaced.  We miss her every day.  

RIP my beautiful girl.  Hope you are running free.

Thanks for 'listening' guys.  xxxx


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dear vanessa i am so sorry for this sad lost.. i hope the time will heal and leave only the wonderful memories.. take time for you and rest.. a big hug from us . silvia and oberon

So very sorry to hear you've lost your beautiful Red Girl.
Hope this little poem helps a little.

Lovely Poem Rosie - sums it up pretty well.  Thanks for your kind words. xxx




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