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What can you do in case of hereditary disorders?

Erfelijke aandoeningen zijn al sinds de jaren zeventig bekend binnen ons

ras. De erfelijke aandoeningen komen voor in alle lijnen.

Mede door de vele invloedrijke fokkers is er binnen de Ierse Setter Club Nederland een ABC (Advies en Begeleidingscommissie) opgericht die op gebied van gezondheid onderzoek doet en registreert. En ook met oplossingen komt in de vorm van diverse gezondheidstesten en advies in de keuze lijnen.


Niet alleen de fokkers zijn verantwoordelijk voor het fokken van een gezonde hond maar ook de kopers van een pup, door verantwoord een Ierse Setter aan te schaffen en tevens lid te blijven van een Belangenorganisatie zoals de Ierse Setter Club zodat zij het goede werk kan voortzetten en u in de toekomst nog steeds kan genieten van een Ierse Setter.


De Ierse Setter Club is vorig jaar gestart in samenwerking met de

Universiteit in Helsinki om een DNA test te ontwikkelen om epilepsie bij honden eerder te ontdekken.

Het zou dus mooi zijn wanneer eigenaren van een Ierse Setter met epilepsie zich zouden willen melden bij de Ierse Setter Club en hun medewerking willen verlenen aan dit project.


We all know that the Irish Setter is in charge of hereditary disorders. We already knew that in the 70's. Those hereditary disorders are in all lines of the breed. That’s why influential breeders in the Irish Setter Club in the Netherlands established a special committee:

The ABC of the Netherlands. An advice and support committee who helps the breeders to breed a healthy Irish Setter by doing research, registration and giving advice to them about the health and hereditary disorders of their dogs.


Not only breeders are responsible for breeding a healthy dog, but the buyers of a puppy are responsible for getting good information about the breed and the possible problems in the breed. And of course support the breed clubs by being a member. By being a member of association like the Irish Setter Club, they can keep up doing the good job and we can still enjoy a beautiful and healthy Setter in the future.

The Irish Setter Club in the Netherlands started last year a research in cooperation with the University of Helsinki (Finland) that should lead to a DNA test for epilepsy in our dogs. It would be very helpful if owners with an epileptic Irish Setter would inform us and help us with this project.


Contact ABC Jeanette Terpstra jeanetteterpstra@home.nl


On behalf of the board of the Irish Setter Club of the Netherlands

Susan Mogony


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Bravo Ellen, open and honest is the way to go!

Bravo Ellen, open en eerlijk, daar kom je verder meer!

Well done Ellen and thank you for your reply!

Bravo for all who make a DNA-research possible.

Bravo voor iedereen die een DNA-onderzoek mogelijk maakt!

Question for Susan and Jeannet: how many samples are needed?

Vraag aan Susan en Jeannet: hoeveel samples zijn er nodig?

Because meeting a first IRS on my first walk I met one

Omdat ik op mijn eerste wandeling er al eentje tegenkwam

So we can tip eachother as setterfans!

Dan kunnen we de tip doorgeven als setterfans!

25 at first.

I think you should contact Paul Mandigers about this. In the past he did an awful lot of work and collected many blood samples. My Ginger's blood is also stored.

This article was written in the club magazine in 2007. I used Google to translate it:

DNA research Irish setter.

Hereditary defects in our Irish setter breed by definition the attention of the Board and the ABC. Every year, including the ABC survey forms sent to all owners of Irish Setters who are registered in the studbook NHSB. It has been shown by research and evaluation that epilepsy is a growing problem within our race is becoming. There have been two meetings organized by the ABC which breeders as well as all other members were invited. One such agreement was a comprehensive lecture organized under the topic provided by Dr. epilepsy. P. Mandigers.

That hereditary defects not go away is clear. Therefore, the ABC the past two years, beyond the previously organized consultation meetings, the whole issue regarding epilepsy map tried to bring. This includes genealogical inbreeding coefficient calculation, fokadviesaanvragen as responsibly as possible provide additional data owners epilepsy dogs gather, work consultation sessions with Dr. Mandigers etc.
That hereditary problems not confined to the Dutch border will be clear. It would be best DNA analysis in order to find abnormal gene patterns responsible for the deviation epilepsy. Difficulty here is the cost of such research are inextricably linked. This is the budget of the breed far beyond.

Because we do this as a serious way here to see further research directed to do we go to find solutions that are affordable and where a serious chance of success is present.
Actually, epilepsy is a problem that concerns every breed should bear. So we came in contact with the Finnish Irish Setter Club who are struggling with the same problems as the Dutch Irish Setter Club.
The Finnish Irish Setter Club started this year with a partnership with the University of Helsinki. This concerns Biomedicum Helsinki, Department of Medical Genetics, Program in Molecular Medicine University of Helsinki, an the Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics.

Since we are now also come in contact and the University of Helsinki, the particular price that the Dutch Irish Setter Club would like to participate in the study. The research concerns the identification of the DNA structure of the Irish Setter and the search for abnormal gene patterns that could be responsible for the hereditary epilepsy. Because this study include some students will be implemented this for the Dutch Irish Setter Club affordable. Also Dr.. P. Mandigers has pledged his cooperation.

By the modified law of the responsible ministry, we must obtain prior approval from the animal care committee (DEC) for blood samples for DNA testing. Furthermore, there are permits required for sending blood samples from which the DNA structure can be traced. Consent of owners etc. There is currently underway.
Research has besides the blood samples of patients suffering from epilepsy also a healthy litter brother or sister needed a blood sample for comparison to have.

We hope that the cooperation of all the importance of our Irish Setter breed high priority claim to have, we have a marker (a distinct characteristic) may find of interest to the entire population Setter.

(Source: Irish Setter Sounds, September 2007)

My dearest wish as part of "What can you do in case of hereditary disorders?" is that health test results of all dogs would be published by every country KC and/or Breed Club and be accessible to anyone enquiring..

Then that there would be a person as health liaison to meet and work internationally. (Not much chance of this, I fear.)

Take an example from the nine UK Irish Setter Clubs who worked together over CLAD.  Significantly, they were successful in securing the agreement with the Kennel Club that 'Registration will be refused for litters unless both parents are clear of CLAD either by DNA test or hereditarily.'

No one in the UK talks of CLAD as a breed problem these days, many have never seen it, even more newcomers have not heard of it. 

Couldn't the same thing happen with Epilepsy?  First get a DNA test, before a DNA test get DNA samples.  They are NEEDED from everyone who can supply samples.........

Support Jeanette Terpstra and the Irish Setter Club of the Netherlands.


Hello Cornelia, 

i will have a answer soon! 

thanks Ann!!! We need this!




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