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Mummy's Bionic Boy ............ Murphy is on the mend!

Firstly let me thank everyone for their support over the last month and I now have an update on my previous blog ..... http://irishsetters.ning.com/profiles/blog/list?user=13rtw8qy2wx6f

So much has happened since I last wrote about Murphy ...... There have been very worrying times but we hope and pray those are behind my beautiful boy ....... The clinical evidence also backs it up!

I think my last blog ends around the time Murphy was discharged from Glasgow .......

Murphy was discharged as you may recall on a very high dose steroid ..... and when he came home it soon became clear to us all (both vet teams) that Murphy was having horrible side effects and very quickly too ..... He was sleeping apart from eating and doing the loo so he the dose was reduced safely as we had to be mindful of the meningitis too but he was loosing weight this was likely down to the severe myopathy causing muscle wastage ..... This is a reversible effect but was very distrubing and not good for my boy.... It was a safe decision and good clinical judgement was made ......

What happened next wasnt so good ....... Two days after the steriod reduction I had to take him to the vet at night .... he was in obvious pain but after a morphine injection and as his temp was ok and he seemed to perk up we decided rather than leave him it was best he came home for the night ..... With an early appointment next day ...... Next morning the vet carried my boy into the surgery (he couldnt walk and I was useless) he had breathing issues (at this point we thought down to extreme distress and his steroids) and a temp of 41.9 ..... I was as you can imagine thinking the worst but later that morning the vet called me to say he was comfortable and I knew he was causing them a lot of concern....... As the day went on his temp began to rise but later in the day the vet called me to say phew he is comfortable again and I think his words were something like its more than he had thought he could achieve ....... Next day I went to visit and we took him out for a walk me on holding the lead and him holding his line up..... Murph was now on two broad range antibotics but no diagnosis yet ....... I got him home on the sunday still weak but much better with tests the next day ......

The next day came and this is a bit blurry ...... Murphy seemed great in the surgery when I took him in and left him .... But later in the day I got a call ... His chest x ray had been emailed to Glasgow to compare against one they had taken and it wasnt good he had a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and he should be taken to Glasgow immediately ..... reason for this was they had more diagnostic equipment a CT scanner ....... Murphy had a chest tap and a litre of air was removed ..... they kept him in for observation as he wasnt too well and they wanted to hold back on the general anaesthetic as it wouldnt come without risk due to medication and the lung...... We decided to reduce steriods a bit more to make it safer ..... But on checking with another x ray even more air had built up ..... No choice they had to investigate ..... They spoke to me about how his age 17mths and his health and body before this was excellent with a shiny coat and great muscle stucture...... I took that as code for this is dangerous .... But I said you must try as leaving him or making a decision without a diagnosis was something I couldnt do ..... I should stress that during all this time Murphy was kept very comfortable and was extremly well cared for and our local vet was looking after me making sure I understood it all..........

Next afternoon as my darling boy was wakening the surgeon called me ........ Murphy is going to be just perfect she said he has had one lung lobe removed and early thoughts are that the abscess on his lung caused all his problems ...... what I mean is that shot his immune system to bits causing the meningitis and spikes in temp ........

 He has came home now and is doing really well ..... he has steroids and the symptoms but we plan to reduce next week ..... during surgery they had to break his chest bone it is wired up (my bionic boy)....... and a huge wound as they also removed a stone from his tummy too! Oh and a new wardrope! But you will see from his eyes my boy is looking so much better ...... All we all can say is thanks and that we love him soooooooooo much!

In my head and I am likely right my boys life was saved 3 times in that week, 4 times in total by the wonderful teams, Murphy was very worrying and difficult to reach a diagnosis with ........ But he will be one and a half in a few weeks and I think he deserves a celebration dont you?

Murphy (aka Mummy's Boy) two days after surgery ............


He still has his chest drain in here but is up and about doing well.......



My brave boy with his Daddy ........



First evening home ....... Murphy's red outfit !



And finally for now look who now has a bed next to the fridge!



Thanks for reading and Murphy is really doing well .......... a few issues around the meningitis to be aware of and once the steroids go and the chest bone heals he will have no impact of the surgery and recover fully.................... pathology is back on the tissue and abscess was called by a foreign body ..... no further worries on that !

Views: 99

Comment by Cheryl Gorey on June 10, 2011 at 3:04am
Wow, Delia, thought you and Murphy had been through so  much when I read your first blog.  I am so glad to read that he is recovering well and will be 100%.  What a journey!!
Comment by Michelle Webster on June 10, 2011 at 4:44am
My heart goes out to you, but what a lucky boy to have such a vigilant mum as you. You have all been through so much, I am delighted to hear that Murphy is once again on the road to recovery and will hopefully continue to improve and get back to his old self.
Comment by Peter Hennig on June 10, 2011 at 5:28am
well done for fighting for him I hope that is all the problems solved from now on just good health and long long life
Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on June 10, 2011 at 6:34am
My goodness, poor little man, Murphy. What an awful lot he has had to endure, but with so much love, and such a good team of vets, I am sure you will all look back on this later, and just be amazed. Very Best Wishes, Delia - I can imagine just how draining this has been for you. M XXX
Comment by Maggie Smith on June 10, 2011 at 5:42pm

For what he has been through Murphy looks to have some strength in his body and brightness in his eyes. A speedy recovery Murphy - rest easy Delia x

Comment by Phil du Plessis on June 11, 2011 at 3:59pm
Go Murphy go! You are going to be a strong boy one of these days! All the best X Ari, Rhett and Phil
Comment by Delia Bryce on June 11, 2011 at 5:47pm
Comment by Delia Bryce on June 11, 2011 at 5:53pm

You have all summed this up so much love for my boy and excellent vets ......  He won all their hearts over and today we tried on his new coat and he seems to know he is a wee cracker ....... although its June plenty rain in Scotland ........

Comment by Brian Walker on June 12, 2011 at 4:18pm
Hi Delia, Haven't been on the computer so only just read this. Been waiting for a positive outcome and glad its looking up. Hope to you you and Murphy soon, best wishes


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