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Today my Bajka (ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET z Arislandu, SCANDAL v.d. Wester-Huy x MORENA Mahagon Moravia) turned 13 years. She began 14th year of her life!!!! I hope she will be with me still a long time.

This spring she frightened me a bit - had some heart problem but after the examinations vet prescribed her a medicine to improve functioning of her heart. Exept for other small problems normal at her age, she in a good form. And in excellent mood.

Her bad setter character still is bad!!! But I love that rascal girl to bits. Whole her life she has been doing what she wanted. Always with a great charm. She knows she is beautiful, perfect. She is very friendly and direct in contacts with people, she adores children. There was a time when two girls, my neighbour's daughters, competed which one takes Bajka for a walk. I don't know how many homes Bajka visited with Paulina. Now I can simply say she is favourite dog in my block. I think she taught many people not to be afraid of dogs. There was a time when she worked as a qualified dog therapist - she was in her element!

I was brought up in home with dogs, mostly there were german shepherds without pedigree. I have never planned to have a pure bred dog. Once I met an irish setter...

Bajka brought a lot of joy... and other new occupations in my life. Now I can't imagine being without her... and without setters.

Happy birthday Bajuś!!!

Views: 45

Comment by Barbara on June 24, 2010 at 8:43am
Happy Birthday Baika!!!
Comment by Agnieszka Rola on June 24, 2010 at 9:10am
Aniu wszystkiego najlepszego dla Twej czarującej starszej pani!!! życzymy jej dużo dużo zdrówka i seterowych sił!
menu imprezowe rewelacyjne! :)))
buziaki-lizaki od Connera!
Comment by Mojca Novak on June 24, 2010 at 9:36am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAIKA and I wish you both soo many enjoyment and sun.
I have at home to old laddies and I love it so much.
Comment by dorota fronczyk on June 24, 2010 at 10:19am
Happy birthday BAJKA!!!
Comment by yvonne on June 24, 2010 at 2:23pm
Happy birthday Bajka , looks they spoiled you today
Comment by Ewa Wojcik on June 24, 2010 at 3:36pm
Sto lat Bajka !!!
Aniu dziewczynka wygląda czarująco i widać że wszystkie łakocie z urodzinowego stołu baaaardzo jej smakują:)
Comment by dorota fronczyk on June 25, 2010 at 1:34am
No może oprócz pomidorka, no ale taka dama ma prawo wybrzydzać :)
Comment by Cornelia on June 25, 2010 at 2:08am
Happy Birthday! I enjoyed reading her CV - wishing her good health and many a happy hour yet to come!
Comment by sammi pease on June 25, 2010 at 2:14am
Happy Birthday sweetheart...!!! Looks like quite a feast...:-)))
Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on June 25, 2010 at 2:27am
Bajka and me, we thank you everyone for your very nice greetings:-)
An order of eating was as follows: meat cake, tomatoes, cucumbers, turkey hearts... She left carrots, because I have to feed her with it by hand. I can't give her f.e. whole carrot or apple or tomatoe. It must be cut in slices. Giving her a slice apiece that's a way of Bajka's feeding ;( C'est la vie!!!


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