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It has been three day (21-23 June 2012) workshop for gundogs. Among participants were not only pointing dogs (four IS, fousek, weimeraner, german shorthairs, bracco italiano, pointer) but also retrievers - golden and labrador, water dogs - barbets, beagles and dachshund. So the trainers divided us in two groups. We worked together with other setters, pointer and retrievers.

It was in fact a kind of test of dogs hunting abilities. In our group we worked according to continental type contests - so we checked not only pointing but also work after blood or fur or feather trials, retrieving with aport and work in the water. 

The place was perfect - huge fields close to the fish ponds,the weather hot, so the dogs could all the time refresh in the water.

This photo is blurred but shows perfectly that all dogs are focused on one thing.

Kasia was good with pheasants  but absolutely not interested with quails.  Led close to the bird in the cage - she smelled it and turned back her head indifferently. I was quite worried about it.

But aport of pheasant it was to much for her.

Fortunately we had a model to follow - proud Teodor

Drewi was also good in retrieving

Here is Kasia on the begging of smell track of pheasant, this is only for dog stimulation, later dog has only few feathers on the start and his own nose to find the way. All training on tracks Kasia did perfectly.

Here she is on rabbit's track.

The dogs worked and played a lot in the water, here is Kasia with Bajek but earlier she and Drewi (pointer) did quite well questing after a duck .

Here are Bajek, Drewi and Teodor competing for a ball.

There was time when Kasia was affraid of swimming in deep water, but now she is a water rat (few days ago she quested after a beaver - I was terrified!)

Beeing upon the fish ponds can give you an extra attraction - the best doggish perfume:-)

It was enough even for three dogs, some used it many times:-)

Kasia still is a puppie and wants to play.

It was first Kasia's so new and emotional experience so after half a day of training she was exhausted and fell asleep on the table. I was a bit worried because she was only dog so tired> She is young but  there were also other dogs at her age.

Of course it was not disturbing anybody, even durng a diner

In general Kasia  recognized the table as a best place for her.

We had also one bad experience. Certain bitch had been looking for a victim and choose Kasia. I was sure Kasia had a strong character but this time (maybe too much new experience) she couldn't resist and three times that bitch seriously attacked Kasia.

I went back home with a dog tired not only physically but also mentally.

Fortunately there were also nicer moments and people who pet her:-)

Of course on the table:-)


Views: 241

Comment by McBIRDY - Jean DUHANT on August 3, 2012 at 2:51pm

Whaou Anna ! What a busy and complete training. Kasia seems to be very interested. Of course sometimes bad experiences with certain bitches but it's life and Kasia is still young.

She really looks like her sister Keilynn. Is Kasia already be in seasons (Keilynn no)

Huges kisses to Kasia and congratulations for your involvement in training her.

Jean & Noëlla

Comment by Rhonda Fisher on August 3, 2012 at 7:44pm

What an intense 3 days for both of you. Great blog Anna.

Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on August 4, 2012 at 3:15am

Thanks Jean and Rhonda for commenting.

There were really three hard days. I think not the last ones of that kind.

Jean, Kasia still is before her first season. I was affraid about her tiredness during that training. She lost her weight lately, as I remember, it seems to me, she finished her growing season and became thin. I made her full medical tests (blood, urine, faeces) and everything is OK.Maybe this is the result of too much bad experiences

Nevertheless I'm thinking about changing her food or anything to make her more stout.

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on August 4, 2012 at 3:23am

Kasia loves to be on the table (",)

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on August 4, 2012 at 10:28am

Very good and interesting blog Anna, great details on how it goes, what is expected, on they proceed, etc., very interesting indeed. No doubt full of experiences for Kasia ... poor little thing she already has to fight her way amongst the bitches, she was very brave, plenty of cuddles from me  :-)

Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on August 5, 2012 at 3:10am

Thanks Ellen and Chantal.

Maybe Kasia felt herself safe on the table far from that beast:-)

Now we are going for a walk in the field and later swim in the river. Nice weather today here:-))

Comment by Aleksandra Janik on August 9, 2012 at 5:31am

Jak typowy seter robi to co lubi i umie najlepiej :))


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