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Worldwinner 2009: most of the main results

I hope the results are correct. some times it was not so easy to see all numbers.
A lot of the results of the bitches are missing, hofully somebody can fill in.

junior class (total 9 - 2 abs):
1.Fidelio von Würfrath - Junior World Winner
2.Dubliner Mac Could
? 3. Double Dream Loveset Pacific Foxtro
4.Rhabsodie Boheme Lord Voltmort
other excellent: Thendara Polar Express
Very good: Nikola Anri

intermediate class (total 8):
1.Garden Star´s Olympic Gold CAC
2.Hot Sensation´s Joy of my Life Res.CAC
3.Garden Star´s Original Edition
4.Lofty Desperado
other excellent: Lancelot v.d.Grasbroekerhof, Luxatori Johnny-Cake
very good: Rhabsodie Boheme Ron Weasley, Vicary´s Handsomegay

open class (total 22 - 1 abs):
1. Vicary´s Firstroyal CAC, Res.CACIB
2.Boas Cinnamon´s Res.CAC
3. Nigel Wolmar
4.Branhunter Della Mezza Luna
other excellent: Amore Fido Red Echo, Cataluna Regency Dandy, Chic Choix Quincy Jones, Crawford Fatal Attraction, Crawford Flicker of Hope, Double Dream Loveset D'Angelo for K, Double Dream Loveset Daniel-O-Diosk, Dzalili Mouse Vicont Vare, Gentleman van de Grasbroekerhof, Icy Breeze Jay Slovak Base, Increadulusgandalf, Don´t Blame me, Brilliant Bronze Gilroy, Paddy O'Kelly from Asketon, Rheyson of the Hunter´s Home
very good: Gipsy King Slovak Base, Palisander Rude Ziolko

working class (total 13):
1.Emiro II Della Mezzaluna CAC
2.Between Heaven and Hell Zambi Res.CAC
3.Xerxes vom Gebirgsjägerhof
4. Garden Star´s Jonnie Walker
other excellent: Garcia Jay Slovak Base, Indian Boy Jay Slovak Base, Irish Meldody Lucky Luke, Stanley Jenny´s Irsal, Sumaric Salazzo

champion class (total 12):
1. Karmino made Fanfan La Tulipe - CAC, CACIB, Worldwinner, BOB, BOG
2.Irish Melody Peter Paul Res.CAC
3.Bullo della Mezza Luna
4.Vicary´s Fancythat
other excellent: Beskid z Wyspy Mgiel, Bohemian Whiteman, Brillant Bronze Brian of Boy, Edy Spod Zobora, Kvanto Red Passion of Varazdin, Enjoy van de Grasboekerhof, Honeygardens Jet Setter Dioskury, Kerrimere Winter Wine

veteran class (total 3 - 1 abs):
1. Vicary´s Yogibear - Veteran World Winner
2. Tell Me your care for me Dostojne Sz

junior class (total 11):
1. Little Rose Del Bustio at Degli Angeli - Junior World Winner.
2. Lara Jay Slovak Base
3. Fabie Fearless Hunter
4. Blaze Dell Increadulous Red
very good: Kaylin Blowing Away, Frau Meier vom Gebirgsjägerhof

intermediate bitches (5 entered, 1 absent) Thanks to Laura for the results of this group
1. Foxi Rysi Wykrot CAC
2. Meraviglia Della Mezzaluna Res.CAC
3. English Summer Rain Z Arislandu
4. English Tea Time Z Arislandu

open class (total 15):
1. Vicary´s Funnyhonny CAC
2. Swedish design v.h. Adelaarsvaren Res.CAC
3.Hello Dolly z Arislandu
4. Copper´s Christal Bubble
other excellent: Chic Choix Pandorah, Cordarragh Joie de Vivre, Dawnmaen Calypso Dancer at Meldor, Infinity Jay Slovak Base, Noble Nikita vom Franzosenkeller, Symba Red Nokomis
very good: Blever´s Allegrezza, Lady Diana of Mahagonline, Penny meskov Dvor, Rachel of the Hunter´s Home

working class (total 7):
1. Summer spell red Nokomis CAC, Res. CACIB

champion class (total 16):
1. Vicary´s Fancyface - CAC, CACIB, Worldwinner
2. Brigitte Bardot degli Angeli Rossi, Res.CAC
3. Butera Fumo Dolce
4. Chardonnay Jay Slovak Base

veteran class (total 5):
1.Romanca od Zagrebacke Gore - Veteran World Winner

Views: 187

Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 11, 2009 at 2:47pm
intermediate bitches (5 entered, 1 absent)
1. Foxi Rysi Wykrot
2. Meraviglia Della Mezzaluna
3. English Summer Rain Z Arislandu
4. English Tea Time Z Arislandu
Comment by Ewa Wojcik on October 11, 2009 at 4:01pm
Puppies bitchse class
Lofty Amber Wind - w.o I
Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on October 11, 2009 at 5:11pm
Congratulations to Everybody, and wonderful to hear an Irish has taken the Group.
Comment by Eva Stájer on October 12, 2009 at 1:38am
Thank you!
Congratulation to the all winners!
Comment by Silvia Lindner-Rae on October 12, 2009 at 1:41am
All resuts can be found here:
Comment by Annika Liikanen on October 12, 2009 at 2:22am
Congratulations to all Winners!
Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 12, 2009 at 2:45am
and Kasia was there, running around with her camera all day :-) so hopefully soon!
i tried with my little camera but there was not enough light unfortunately...
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on October 12, 2009 at 6:32am
Congratulations to all the winners. Unfortunately I missed most of the action as I was busy with our Kennel Club stand. So will be looking forward to Kasia's photos.
Comment by Glory&Valery degli Angeli Rossi on October 13, 2009 at 7:21am
Congratulation to all Winners!!! (also for my dogs :-D)

Just a little mistake: Gregory Peck Degli Angeli Rossi was absent and not Very good.
Thanks for put all results on line!
Comment by Carmel Murphy on October 13, 2009 at 3:46pm
Well done everyone and thanks for the results!!


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