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Marta Magi's Comments

Comment Wall (355 comments)

At 4:34pm on October 14, 2009, James Martin's said…
Happy Birthday! I which you a long, so long joyful life!
At 6:03pm on October 14, 2009, Elena Nagornaya said…
Happy birthday Marta!!!
At 3:17pm on October 18, 2009, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Hi Marta
The girls and I are doing well; we are just back home from Dortmund where Girly won a new title; She is now Bundesseigerin and is once again qualified for Crufts
At 3:07pm on October 19, 2009, Vojna Medvedec said…
Many,many,many hugs for your birthday and all the coming days!
Vojna,Egon and the reds!
At 3:51pm on October 19, 2009, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Hi Marta,
Thank you very much for all your congratulations !
Yes Girly will be enter to Crufts, it's for me a big honor to be qualified that I am proud to present Girly over there ;-) And as she is qualified for life I hope that she can participate in it every year;-)
And you with Sarah???
At 11:02am on February 8, 2010, Susan Stone said…
Thank you, Marta, for you kind comment on the loss of our Shannon. They are all special for us and it is never easy... but we are grateful for the many years we had together.
all the best to you and your dogs
At 6:22am on February 20, 2010, Eva Stájer said…
Köszi, köszi:-)))))
At 1:24pm on February 24, 2010, Dawn Riddell said…
Thankyou so much for your support. Losing Bailey is so hard, he was a brilliant dog, my best, most special friend.

Dawn R.
At 8:31am on March 26, 2010, Ana Gaspar Kozelj said…
Thank you Marta on your nice comment on my page. Your Bono and Burnie are looking very pretty. Hope to see you on some show, if not sooner than on Euro dog in Slovenia :)
At 3:18pm on March 26, 2010, Nadine Bonjean said…
Thank you Marta for Hotty and Fonzie!
At 9:38am on April 16, 2010, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Hello Marta! I hope all of you you are keeping well! Many thanks for sharing the photos of the three. Must say that Bruno and Bono are very similiar in type. Both have matured really nice. Burnie is also lovely. Happy for you! Who won the show?!
At 2:58pm on April 26, 2010, Marjolein Bogaard said…
Thank you Marta, for your nice worrds for Ralphie, I will tel Tibor and Gabi. It is nice to have the brother and sister of this beautiful dog!
Yours look fantastic too!!
Best regards from Holland, Marjolein
At 3:22pm on April 26, 2010, Marjolein Bogaard said…
Szía Marta, you can see pictures and video's of Witch as well on my Setter Site.
Best regards, Marjolein
At 3:39pm on April 29, 2010, Nadine Bonjean said…
Thank you very much Marta!
At 7:24am on May 5, 2010, Barbara said…
Hi Marta! Thank you for your comments! Best wishes Barbara
At 10:05am on May 5, 2010, Carmen Lorenzi said…
Hi Marta
thanks for your nice comment about Meagan...yes she's really a special giirl for us:-)
Best wishes Carmen
At 11:59am on May 11, 2010, Esther Siegrist said…
Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Marta!
we had a lovely, funny time at Salzburg!
Regards Esther
At 9:12am on May 14, 2010, Susan Stone said…
Thank you Marta! I gave him a bath and a trim and am fattening him up a bit... and was surprised how nice he looked:-)
all the best
At 12:04pm on May 31, 2010, Laura Kolbach said…
most néztem a meoe honlapot, gratulálok a res.junior bis-hez! bono volt vagy bruno? nem látom kristálytisztán :-))
At 4:36pm on May 31, 2010, Laura Kolbach said…
akkor dupla gratula :) kik voltak még amúgy? csopiban bono?
nálunk minden rendben zajlott, ahogy múltkor is :) próbálok nyugodt lenni, bár nem annyira sikerül...

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