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Deborah Christopher's Comments

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At 1:13pm on August 5, 2009, Dee Rance said…
With a bottle yes but not personally...I was so shocked when I got the call from the vet...There are a few little ones in there but they seem to be holding their own. I am feeding every 2-3 hours, but she had the C Section and that has made the milk supply a little slow in coming and as usual she hasn't started eating yet. Well she doesn't eat well at the best of time's. But now she is so much calmer, and the puppies are calmer now that they are getting fed. She has been tossing the babies all over the room, and then digging them into the bed or the vet bed etc. But life is much calmer now...thank goodness All the best and good luck with your lot, have you sold them all yet???
Dee and the girls
At 8:51am on August 6, 2009, Sandra Mather said…
hi, so you will be looking forward to the hols then. you will have to set yourself up on fbook. i play on the games on there its good fun and ive made a load of frends all over the place. but it will have to be when your hands are free.Erin is doing fine and dandy. The others all ok thank goodness. hugs to to the gang.
At 10:39am on August 11, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Deborah I'm not sure where they came from, Nicole got them for me, unfortunately they grow out of them so quickly, I have had to change them already, they last about 4 days at the moment. But now that there was a revelation in 'numbering' the collars it doesn't matter what colour they have on, dah!!! now they are numbered I know exactly who they are....Great...all the best Dee and the gang brilliant invention...puppy collars
At 4:32am on August 17, 2009, steve3dreams said…
Hi Deborah, im in Norwood Green in Halifax. Judy Woods.
Love to meet up.
Do ur homework b4 u move to Spain. NOT good for Setters.
Steve x
At 6:10pm on August 30, 2009, Liz Staveley-Churton said…
Thanks for the welcome note. Sorrry for late reply each time I tried to open or send comments it took ages. I had virtually given up. This was my last attempt everything seems to be working quickly now
At 4:02am on August 31, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Deborah
I could have sold my babies 10 times over. So if you give the people my name, if you want I trim gundogs, So at least I could keep an eye on him for you...if you want of cause Glasgow is only half an hours drive away, do claws as well...
It really is bad up here for Setters, I now have a waiting list for the next litter, It is getting ridiculous...Dee and the gang
At 9:41am on August 31, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Oh I know...just had a litter of 12 all living with me in the house...and I was counting the days until they were picked up! :-)
Sweet yes - but certainly hard work as well!
At 2:18pm on August 31, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I think I remember the 8 year old that has just been lost, don't remember the name though, I thought it might have been an Indian Gentleman that called me from Glasgow, wanting a dog that he could take back to India, Glad I didn't have one, wouldn't want one to go that far away....
Glen is a nice name, good luck with the end of the week, you won't know what to do with yourself, can't remember how many you had... People keep saying to me that I will miss them when they are gone well first NO I will miss all the work and them when they are asleep but I am keeping one so will still have a puppy for a while. Dee and the gang
At 2:57am on September 1, 2009, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Good luck with the puppies! Loking forward to see more of them in the future.
At 7:13am on September 7, 2009, Denise Brend - (Devacott) said…
Hi Deborah, just had a look at your photos - they are really good. Good luck with your new girl - sounds like she needs to just spend some time at home with your gang to settle in before embarking on the big world of cars, buses etc Im sure in time she will be fine.
At 4:31am on October 22, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I have answered privately to this one, and my thoughts are with you all, I hope that she will recover soon, they do seem to bounce back well when they have any condition...
All the best, and am thinking of you, good luck Dee and the gang
At 4:44am on October 23, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I hope that she gets through the night well, if she does then she really does have a very good chance, when she comes home give her Arnica and Aconite (Both at 30c), the Arnica will help with the bruising and the Aconite is for the shock... give both at least three times a day. I had a couple that did do a 360 turn mostly they were just at the first signs of Bloat, but they did survive from the first bloat to the last was between the ages of 3..to...10 so there is always hope, I am keeping everything crossed for you all, and praying that she will be fine during the night. Please let me know how things are, private is good if you need to...Good luck to you all Dee and the gang
ps. This is so close to my heart, I really do feel for you and am having a job seeing what I am writing, can't stop crying, please do let me know, I am sure all will be well.... Dee
At 5:14am on October 23, 2009, Cornelia said…
Hi Deborah, I'm relieved to hear that Jinney made it through the night and I do hope she can stomach some food today. My heart went out to you last night when I read about the torsion and I just wanted to let you know that in difficult times like this, there are also complete strangers like me on ES, thinking of you two and hoping for the best. Cornelia
At 7:37am on October 23, 2009, Denise Brend - (Devacott) said…
Oh Deborah, I do hope your girl is ok - bloat is such a scare. Wishing a speedy recovery.
My girl is doing really well, changing as she matures, but such a loving and good natured dog - she is my world. Looking forward to breeding from her in the furture.
All the best - Denise x
At 7:56am on October 23, 2009, colette tuite said…
Deborah,I am pleased that Jinny made it through the night.Let us hope that the worst is behind her.
Irish setters still can get torsion despite the stomach being stitched down, but hopefully you and Jinney will have many more happy years together.
At 7:58am on October 23, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Deborah.
I am so pleased to hear that she has made it through the night, and that she has eaten something. It all sounds promising. I hate to be the barer of bad news, but she can still bloat again but they say that if she has had a Gastoplexie (think that is how it is spelt, her stomach stitched) the stomach can't rotate, but if you are vigilant with her then she should live a perfectly normal life, from now on. But you will learn to read the signs, I can tell you that from experience. And yes this can be brought on by stress, how long did you say that you have had her??? Don't blame yourself, these things happen, unfortunately all too often.
Have you informed her breeder yet?? did you get her from her breeder?? has she had anything like this before with her ex-owner?? Will email privately the rest of this...Dee and the gang
At 3:58am on October 24, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I have said it before DON'T BLAME YOURSELF bloat is something that will happen whatever you do or don't do, perhaps she has had it before, if the last owner wasn't interested...so perhaps she knew what you were talking about and didn't want to be bothered with her any more, life is all 'what ifs' you will never know what started it off, it could have been a combination of all kinds of things, she has survived it, you will learn to live with it.
Colette was rite, I didn't want to say, but yes they can taution when stitched, the thing is that you will have to learn to know her moods, as I said before, mine started bloating at 2-3 years old and eventually died at 10 and they were not stopped from doing anything apart from one thing, the one thing that I will NOT do is exercise them for 2 hours either side of feeding. This to me is a 'must not do' with all of mine, difficult with them when I am trying to add weight, but do try it, not guaranteed but can't hurt. I hope that you have got her home now, Perhaps she is a candidate to have spayed that will take one problem away, and of cause you can't breed from her now....
All the best do keep in touch Dee and the gang and good luck...
At 4:08am on October 24, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Sorry I didn't see your other comment. Don't be polite with your vet ASK and argue with them they don't know everything, I have had a few 'heated' conversations with mine, and now we have a really good working relationship, (to the extent that she shows me lovely little things like an infected uterus that she removed the night before,) do ask..and question things please, they shouldn't mind, when you get conflicting statements from your vet you need to know just what is going on, after all you are paying for it, and paying dearly I might add. So don't be polite. I hope that she is better now Dee and the gang
At 8:09am on October 24, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Don't feed her off the ground, keep her bowl on the ground, US research has said that you are over 50% more likely to create bloat by feeding off the ground, quite a bit more likely.. I changed one of my girls to 'on' the ground and found that she didn't suck in so much air when she was feeding and drinking. If she isn't used to it don't start it, (Just my humble opinion, and quite a bit of research, Vets are still a little bit behind as to the 'on' 'off' thought. I have found with Jas that when she gets 'upset' she will actually gulp in air, you can hear her doing it, She really doesn't show stress but when she starts the 'gulping' you can see that she is stressed just by her demeanour.
I am glad that she is home, is she still 'sloshing' in the stomach?? they sometimes come back with the sound as they walk about, one of Saffy's operations she sat with her little belly sticking out and from the wound she just seemed to bleed, but it was just oozing, so don't worry too much if that happens either. Something clan to mop it up with, and all should be well.
Don't make too much of her though, you don't want her feeling as though there is something wrong with her, Caesar Milan always says 'they live for now, not for what has happened to them yesterday or tomorrow, just for the moment' it is so true. She is obviously a fighter so go with her on this..she is a survivor too. Good luck with her. All the best and good luck Dee and the gang
At 3:23pm on October 25, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Deborah
I am afraid that if you are anything like me, the 'sensitive' problem, watching every move and listening to every grown etc will be with you for the rest of her life, it is a problem, I am still like it with these two here. I am going to be like it for ever more I suspect.
I used to have a castrated dog, it never stopped him from mating my bitches, they all had a wonderful time but with no consequences. I must say that he would have made a brilliant stud dog, never bothered the girls until they were spot on for mating, and he was rite in there...excuse the pun...Good luck and will follow the puppy, there are a few of mine on here now too. All the best Dee and the gang

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