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Protective booties for my setter Nugget

 need help finding some booties that will fit an Irish Setter!  This year there are tons of foxtails and thorns around our place.  Also, it is quite hot and the trails with rocks are very hard on Nugget's feet.  Then there is the bumper crop of rattlesnakes this year too.  I have tried several types of booties from the internet and also from a store.  I had some made for him too.  The problem is that his paw is wide but his ankles are skinny.  Booties large enough for the paw don't tighten enough at the ankle with the Velcro fasteners and come off.  Anyone have any ideas?

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Dear Sue

unfortunately I have the same problem.. I recently bought some (very expensive!) ruffwear grip tex , to use in summer for hot terrain. We tried them on in a local park (with the result that they cannot be returned : ( ) and, although they seems to work at the beginning, after a few runs they just `fly ` off..

I feel it was a waste of money, hopefully we will still use them a bit when we will go on holiday next saturday, but maybe just for walking quietly at the lead when the tarmac is hot.. I dont think they will stay in if Oberon runs freely or plays.

Those i see around have all similar shapes.. unless  you go for longer boots, that cover part of the leg? they may be easy to tighten? all the best


Hi Silvia, Oh what a pity the boots just 'fly' off - it never happened to us, but then I never let Joy run wild with them, especially not in snow, where I would not find them anymore... Did you buy them tight enough? I can't remember what size I got for Joy. Enjoy your holiday!

Thanks Cornelia I think they are tight so maybe is just the shape of the feet..but yes they are definitely better for walking and not running : )

Thanks for the input.  I will look for some longer booties that I can try to tighten higher up on Nugget's legs.

I use socks on my boy you can get ones that don’t pick up seeds from camping shops, or army disposal ones. I get small men’s or kids if poss they last me through the seed season. Any thick socks work. I use masking like tape around the sock at the top so it’s not pulling their fur out just firm enough not to fall off. 

Hope it a help. Rose 

Thanks Rose.  I will see if I can get some heavier ones.  I have tried regular socks and taped around the top of the sock.  Somehow he still manages to shed the socks!

Good tip thank you


Hi, I use Cordura Booties 500 and 1000. www.peershuskyshop.com/index.php?cat=c4_Booties-Booties.html

Thanks Barbara.  I will look for that brand here is the US.  




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