Exclusively Setters

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My youngster 18 months old sustained an injury on Friday, she managed to get out of the enclosed garden and field and went onto the road. I don't know what happened to her but she came back in extreme pain holding her back leg, the vet cannot find any obvious problems and she will have further investigations done today as it has not got any better over the weekend despite being on painkilling and anti-immflammatory medications. I assume they will sedate her to investigate for a ruptured cruciate ligament and do xrays but I wanted to know if any other setter people have dogs which have sustained a similar type of injury and what the treatments and prognosis for them is. I am keen to get her sound enough to go back in the show ring in the future and have heard that there are different types of operations and that some are more successful than others.

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Hope things are going well, thinking of you - know it's a trying time.
Dear Angela!

I am very sorry and I’m horrified and I can´t help!
I hope see better news about your babe setter!
Be strong!

The specialist assessed Willow this morning and operated this afternoon. There was a piece of bone floating which was near the sciatic nerve which would cause extreme pain and when he opened her up he found the pelvis was unstable which would be another cause of bad pain so that has been plated back together. She will be in the vets for a few days and then strictly cage rest for 6 weeks before building her back up again. I am pleased it is all over although I expect she is feeling very sore tonight. I can see her pretty little face looking over the top of the vets shoulder as he carried her away. Can't wait to get her back home free of pain so that I can give her a cuddle, she has looked so desperatly depressed over the last week and I dreaded toilet times as I hated making her move. Those screams of pain I will never forget.
Dear Angela, I have been following your story on Willow. I am sure she will be fine. In 1979 my first setter was hit by a car. I did not think he would survive the operation and strict rest and the carring him out for toilet etc etc. Miraculously he was healed completely and had a long and good life after that. ......and today the vet medicine and procedures are very good. Take it day by day and with your love and cuddles she will heal completely. Greetings out of Knysna South-Africa!!!!! Ari and Phil
I am so glad to hear Willow is through the operation and hoping for a restful painfree recovery. With your love I am sure things will go well. I can just feel your pain through your words and I just hope she rests well tonight without discomfort.
Hi Just to say I hope both you and Willow are on the road to recovery, dog's live in the moment so they get over thing's quickly, we on the other hand take a bit longer, wishing you both well.
Thanks Jennifer and indeed everyone else who has been so supportive of me during what has been a very draining week emotionally. Willow is doing fine, I hope to have her home on Monday. She is using the leg that she was carrying before and not in pain, eating well and everything else is working and wagging her tail, bless her that was something she always did a lot of but couldn't do while injured so I will be pleased to see her pretty face back home and her tail wagging. During all of this my 12 year old Kayla had what appeared to be a stroke on Tuesday and after gradual deterioration over Tuesday and Wednesday she was put to sleep following a seizure yesterday morning. Words just can't express my feelings at this very moment but she had a very good life and time will heal. The good news is I have Diva's puppies to look forward to on New Years Day, as one door closes another opens and I will be posting a blog at some point when I have time.




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