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Introducing our long awaited IRWS, Caispern Minnihoma 'Poppy'

Well, as many of you will know, I have been after an IRWS bitch for a while and thanks to the power of ES and Gaye O'Connor, a couple of weeks ago we finally got little Poppy.


She's a nervous little thing in new situations but around the house she's an absolute delight! The children love her and our eldest dog adores her. Darcey has taken a little while to warm to her but I think she's a bit put out now she's not the only setter in the house! :D

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congratulations on getting your new family member emma.shes a real cutie
Pretty little girl
ahh bless! Lucky you!
Lovely looking we pup wish you all the best with her

Congratulations on acquiring your beautiful little girl and welcome to the world of IRWS!  I'm sure she'll grow in confidence; I've yet to meet an IRWS which isn't outgoing and confident in every situation.  My IRWS boy Fergus is now 17 months and just occasionally I wish he was a little less confident and outgoing, usually as he disappears at top speed to say 'hello' to someone!!! Look forward to seeing the photos as your baby grows. 

Greetings to little Miss Poppy.  As Nicky says, a very confident and forward breed are the red and whiters,   My 'little girl' will be 2 mid November, and she was a bit nervous in new situations for a while, but I just ensured I kept socialising her with as many novel situations as possible, and ensured  that I never fed into any apprehensions.  She became like a little bull in a china shop for a while and jumped over the 1/2 open door of caravan last year, straight onto concrete. She limped for quite a while, but fortunately no long term damage. She then almost jumped out of the bedroom window, and had an argument with a cattle grid.  I think my hair almost fell out on more than one occasion with her. She is still full of exuberance, but an absolute darling and I love her to bits,  I would like another red and white in time :-)  Good luck with  Poppy and enjoy the puppy naughtiness.

What a wee corker...I am sure you will have lots of fun with her x


Poppy is adorable and I'm sure that with enough socialising she will grow in confidence. 


Our IRWS bitch is 4 now and a true delight to own.  She still has her moments with new situations but is certainly not a nervous dog.


Just enjoy.

Poppy looks a delight - have fun with her

she is adorable.  good luck with her new baby!


Thank you all for your kind words. She is adorable and has really come out of her shell at home, the other 2 don't know what's hit them!


I think the only thing that slightly concerns me with her nervousness is that she wets when she becomes really nervous. I'm just ignoring it at the moment and clean it up once she's out of the way, so I'm drawing no attention to what she's doing. She also does it when she gets super excited. I'm sure she'll grow out of it as it is getting better every day.

congratulations, she's wonderful! I hope you will get over the wetting problem soon:)




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