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Hi Mel,

Which form? Let me know and I will try to get it in a better format and send it to you.


Romania does the same - they will arrange the Eurodogshow next year.

So very sad. The irish setter looked well cared for, i can't beleive that some poor pet owner out there isn't looking for it! :'(


god it makes you sick and so angry, and also so very helpless.


I totally agree with you Cornelia!

utterly barbaric and disgusting.  Just gave Ollie a massive cuddle for all of his cousins that suffer at their hands.  Boycott. 

OMG this is horrific...In the name of Football???.......the people that did this need a 'taste of their own medicine' excuse the pun...

Absolutely disgusting..

And in the name of a dogshow in Romania. Check Laura's post:-(




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