Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Nobody can possibly get upset about this one...

Here is another totally safe subject!
Its an easy one about why we actually have dogs and do what we do with them...(see, no danger answering this one!)
I work as a writer/illustrator and have great difficulty with the word NO. That means that I work far too much and spend most of my time crouched over my desk or in front of the computer. My dogs (I am convinced) keep me from:
A. Turning in to a fatso
B. Make me think of other things but work (this is the difficult part)
Training and competing in obideance (will I ever be able to spell that?) means that I have to concentrate 100% so I can not re-write manuskripts in my head or think of other jobs. I start of the day with an hour-long walk and some training while Im at it.
So all in all, the dogs keep me (semi)-sane and healthy.
Not a bad deal!
How about you?

Attached last years X-mas-card of braindead illustrator. Note setter...

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Love the illustration!! My main reason for having dogs is for companionship! They are my best friends, they walk with me, talk to me, watch tv with me and generally keep me focused when things are difficult! I can take them to work(at my boarding kennels!) and they are always eager to please me! I can tell them anything and that helps to clear my head! I also love to watch them run in the fields and their general lively antics! They give so much pleasure and I cannot imagine life without them!!
Also my main reason for having dogs is companionship. I have dogs since I was little. With Jolly I trained 3 years obedience. After a while we had to train on national level. We went to a national exam but we did not passed. Now we are training for fun. The way Carmel explain it is just like how I would describe it 'what is to have dogs'.

As the saying goes an Irish setter is half a devil, half an angel, theres always at least ONE part inspiring...Both make it never boring.

Been never long without one since my fourth year so can't tell for sure if it is healthy or not. Guess sometimes red setters provide extra nails for your coffin, but most of the time they provide what French say a joie de vivre (excitement of life). So probably they are half a devil, half an angel....
There are so many reasons to have dogs. I agree with companionship and Henk's 'half a devil, half an angel' made me laugh based on experience and also statues I have seen with a seated Setter, one with a halo wearing white and one with a pitch fork wearing red.

To me, one of the best things about dogs is their sense of humor. I can't tell you how many times a week they make me either smile and/or laugh. I think all of that is good for a person's health.




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