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...are your Setters allowed to sleep in/on your beds? `Just asking.....


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Ah bless what a lovely picture of two friends cuddling up together. :-)
yes but as I have 6 not all at once.
Of course! But as Karen has said, we have six so only the two girls sleep with us at night but they all spend their days inside on the couch or where ever they prefer. We not only have cuddles in the morning we also have songs! The favourites at the moment are Sugar Sugar and Cinderella/Rockerfella. The perennials are Kisss Me Honey Honey Kiss Me and Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer do... And we are not mad!!
This discussion answers a lot of my questions and reassures me that I am a totally normal Setter owner. I have recently thought of asking if anybody knows how to get rid of the setters out of the bed because there is not enough room for all of us. I always end up in the space betwen the beds because my husband does not allow them getting near him. Sometimes the older bitch quarrels about the best position so that I am slowly getting a nervous wreck!
I have tried everything: put away the baskets and bought new cosy dogbeds and tried to persuade them to sleep there in front of my bed. First they seemed to be willing to do so but when I woke up during night we were all together in bed again! Summer time is not as bad as the rest of the year regarding the bedclothes. But autumn and winter is soon coming ... :-((

One setter is missing in my bed!
My Irish sleeps on the floor (her choice) but my red and white Borzoi girl Traveler sleeps on the bed. It's more like she shares her bed with me! The other 3 Borzoi residing here sleep in super large wire crates as there's no more room on the bed. When I travel with the dogs, they take turns sleeping with me or on a 2nd bed in the hotel room. I always book a double room with 2 queen sized beds so that there's room on a bed for all 5 of the dogs and myself too of course. There are times when they all try to get on the same bed with me underneath the pile but eventually they sort things out and settle into their own space and go to sleep. Wouldn't have it any other way. I tend to draw some strange looks from people when they see me walking all 5 dogs at the same time. No one approaches me to chat however, probably afraid one or more of the dogs would eat them! LOL!! What they don't know is that they'd just lean on their legs for hugs and pats on the head.
I lost my beautiful boy 8 weeks ago (feels like a life time) but yes, he was allowed to sleep on our bed. When he was a pup and until about 2yrs old he used to jump up and spend most of the night on the bed, but as he got bigger he realised he couldn't get as comfy as he wanted to anymore so he slowly gave up the idea but always came upstairs at night and slept on the floor at the bottom of the bed. I felt so guilty!! In the daytime whenever we went out shopping etc. we would come home and hear him jump off the bed to greet us! He always ran upstairs and "went to bed" when the hoover went on! So miss him.
I lost my Irish girl Annie 2 1/2 years ago and she had always slept on the bed with me on her pillow at the head of the bed. Traveler (the red and white Borzoi slept on the same side of the bed and would rest her chin somewhere on Annie's body. Annie and Garnett, both Irish Setters, raised Traveler from a 10 week old puppy. Garnett still allows Traveler to do anything she wants to her because she still considers Traveler 'her puppy', in spite of the fact that Traveler is 29 inches tall and Garnett is 25 inches tall (at the most)! The girls both missed Annie when she crossed the Bridge and looked for her for several months. I have a black and white Borzoi girl visiting me now that is called Annie in honor of my Irish girl Annie. She isn't quite the Diva that my Annie was but still considers herself a Princess in disguise!
The only time Henry is allowed to sleep on our bed is when we are staying in an Hotel ;0(: I do so wish he could be with me every night as my darling Poppy was, in a previous life...... She used to sleep with her front legs wrapped around my neck Oh how I loved her so close.....One day Henry, One day.......
of course! my two boys come to bet with me, resting for a half hour and then they go to sleep on the sofa. in the morning, they comming back and say: WAKE UP, MUM!! :-)))
Absolutely no chance! I love Bella (although not right at this very moment following a digging incident in my herb garden and we are currently on a time out); and I love our morning cuddles when I come downstairs still in my PJs. However, I love my husband and I love my bed and I am not going to share it with her. I used to share a bed with my dog when I was growing up and I know what it is to wake up with no covers in the winter, clinging onto the edge of the mattress by your toe-nails whilst the pooch is at full stretch in the middle having doggy dreams, paws running and gently woo-wooing. She gets my attention for pretty much all of the day if I don't have any errands to run so I'm afraid the bedroom is just for me and Mr B, who also likes a cuddle!!!
Okay ... please do NOT let Mr. B speak to my Mr. C ... I don't want them ganging up on me!! When Cosmo first came home from the breeders as a young pup in a new place, we of course let the little sweety sleep in the bed so he wouldn't be sad or lonely. Then we let him sleep in the bed because it ensured that he wouldn't pee in the bedroom ... I woke up and knew to put him out when he jumped off the bed in the middle of the night. Then I ran out of excuses as to why he was and is STILL sleeping in the bed. My husband is losing his patience, but I seriously love having his little warm body so close, despite those ever lengthening legs! As a child, I slept with two cats in my bed and I would end up uncomfortably contorted into an S curve with one cat behind my knees and the other at my tummy ... very uncomfortable but I was unwilling to disturb the dears. Heaven forbid THEY didn't sleep well!! :)
Oh heavens yes!. UNLESS I find a problem with someone and then they are "demoted" out of the bedroom and downstairs to the cage in the utility room.
As long as all the behaviour is well balanced I have no problem. summer time they all go off and find somewhere comfortable. winter I like at least two on the bed!




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