mrs dee farndell

73, Female

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
35 years
About Me:
i show and breed irish setters i bought my first irish in 1974 and have been smitten ever since . Last year my beautiful Kelly gave birth to sixteen puppies this made her a star of t v radio newspapers and to top it all o k magazine. Iam so proud of her and her babies

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle Webster

    Welcome to the site Dee, hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing your photos.
    Best wishes,
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Welcome Dee! What a beautiful Irish you have in your avatar! Greetings Jenny
  • Dee Rance

    Welcome to the site Dee, hope that you will enjoy it here
    Dee and the girls
  • Aleksandra Janik

    I try to contact with You in important private case.
    Would you be so kind to write to me on ning?
  • lyn hathaway

    congratulations on the birth of your puppies,hope mum and babies are well
  • Aleksandra Janik

    I sent an e-mail to you on
    Waiting for reply :).
  • Jeannie Smith

    Hi Dee I knew Clyde would be happy. Good news Clyde has restarted his Journal via telepathy.
    That's all bye
  • Colin Wheeldon

    Hi Dee thanks. Got her last saturay from Marita Bott she's Bardonhil Ka Ching and should be out after 30th December
    Colin xx
  • Anne Elizabeth Sandle

    hi dee congratulations on todays show results - malcom told me when i came to get freds food, the pups are looking great and sasha seems to be making a good recovery! speak soon.
  • Anne Elizabeth Sandle

    hope the pups are coming along well?
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Dee,
    Puppies are wonderful and they have really beautiful head. Congratulations.
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Dee,
    Thank you for the comment. Flash is the fulfillment of my dreams. He is so sweet and loved. For now, only Neo isn't impressed. For him Flash is invisible... but I love them both :). Thanks again.
    Alexxx and boys
  • Nicky Vangalis

    Hi Dee,
    Just wanted to say once again, thank you so much for Ollie, he is absolutely gorgeous and he is so hugely loved. He's been trying his luck and chasing his tail and we are being firm but very fair!! He's settled right in, not poorly or anything at all. Like he's always been with us! Thanks once again as losing Eva was devastating for us, and this little man has made things feel complete again.
    Nicky and Dan x x
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Dee,
    We were at the show just to socialize. Flash will debut at the show on 13.02.
    We are still waiting for a pedigree.
    Flash & Alexxx
  • Alicia Ferrón Vidán

    Hello Dee, CONGRATULATIONS Kelly for her beautiful litter.
    Love to you all.
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Dee,
    Unfortunately, we don't have any new information. Every day someone calls with information, but it always turns out that this isn't Neo.
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Hello Dee, Just to let you know, Gibson did really well at his ring training last night, I think he will more than ready for his first show. Cant believe how helpfull people in the dog world are. Have you heard how Fletch is doing. Speak soon.
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi Dee thank you for grooming Guinness he looks lovely (he is still nice and clean) lol, The puppies are looking lovely cant wait to get our little girl see you soon
  • Nicky Vangalis

    Hi Dee the pups look gorgeous what a result for their dad at Crufts Ollie is doing brilliantly he's got a labrador and a staffie friend who he plays with over in the fields by our house we love him to pieces even if he does steal our socks! We are going to enter him in a fundraising local show just for fun sure he will be something different as everyone has staffs around here Hope all is well Nicky and Dan xx
  • Ro Cox

    The puppies look lovely - good luck with them - we'll see some in the ring no doubt
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Hello Dee. Thanks for your help today, really enjoyed the show and cant wait till next one.
    Gibson is worn out, nice and peacefull tonight.
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Hi Dee,
    Thanks for nice comment about Flash.
    We go to the next exhibition on Sunday (25.04).
    Alex and Flash
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi Dee
    Guinness got a 3rd at the East anglia gundog show, Gibson looks lovely!
    Hope you got on ok at scotland
    Paige had her 1st ring class she did ever so well, she was such a good girl for Maeghan!
    see you soon
    Maddy x
  • Carol Smith

    Oh i dunno !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carol x
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Hi Dee Gibson got second today beat by the girls again
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Hi Dee show was Chelmsford and a Danaway dog beat him, Gibson behaved really well for once but first place was a very nice bitch. We have noticed in the few shows we have done the bitches seem to come out on top in most classes, one of Gibsons half brothers was there and he was gorgeous but only got 3rd behind two bitches, champ show next week looking forward to it fingers crossed.
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Hi Dee hope you are ok we went to Stafford today with Gibson and he didn't get placed out of a class of 9. He got a bit freaked with the judge dont know why but some Judges freak him out more if it's a lady Judge you and Carol are going to Woodgreen next week ao we will see you there.
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow!
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday!
  • Aleksandra Janik

    Happy Birthday Dee!
    I wish you many happy moments.
    A million kisses from Alex and Flash

    All the "MCBIRDY" clan wish you a very happy birthday !
  • Carol Smith


    With love from us all,

    Carol, Gary, Henry and Lottie xxxxx

    Also Fergus, Ruby, Jessie, Poppy and Annie xxxxx
  • Kirsty williamson

    Hi, I have just seen Alek Janiks blog on Flash, congratulations on breeding such a lovely young dog you must be very proud.
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi Dee hope you are all ok, Paige is looking lovely her coat is coming lovely, she is such a character always talking lol, hope to catch up soon I have been poorly last couple of weeks, big hello to malcom xxxxxxx
  • maddy/ Staratlanta Irish setters

    Hi my next show should be Thursday at norfolk with Guinny but have to be at the hospital, we are at peterborough with Guinny and end of July at March with paige, I will take some new pictures and send one she is getting such a big girl now all legs lol, see you soon x
  • Kirsty williamson

    Lovely puppy C Rags to riches how is she bred ? is she related in any way to Flash, sorry for the 20 questions just interested in what the breeding is behind these lovely dogs.
  • Shaun and Julie Nicholls

    Good start for your boy well done
  • elena donatella turrichia

    My problem with her is that she doesn't want i touch her tail, she trys to bite, not bad but angry
  • elena donatella turrichia

    Hi Dee, the movement is perfect. thank you for your advices
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Dee
    your photos of your puppies and mum are amazing. How did she cope with that many puppies. enjoyed looking at them.
  • Nicky Vangalis

    Hi Dee,
    Just to make you aware of bogus RSPCA callers with all of your wonderful dogs, they are using it as an excuse to get in your house this time of year to either sniff out when you aren't there. Lucky for us Dan is always home anyway so the fact that Ollie is here and happy as larry obviously snooped them off. xxx
  • Carol Smith

    Thank you for my Birthday Wishes my four legged friends! Also thank you Dee & Malcolm for the pressie! cxxxxxxxx


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    New puppies around!!!  Congratulations, welcome to them and a big cuddle to the Mum!!!
  • Sherry Miller

    Dee ..loved looking at all your pictures....looks like a bit of heaven here on earth with all those lovely puppies ( and a lot of work). Loved the pictures of your senior IS...something so special about them as they still have the lively spirit but what wisdom they have learned about us and the lucky to have them with us as long as we can. Makes me want a puppy....and afraid only one kind would do here....Irish Setter!  or as my husband always called our headed knuckleheads!  Looking forward to seeing more pictures of the puppies as they grow.
  • Ewa Wojcik

    Thank you very much.


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Dee!!!!  Hope the B-cake was large enough to share it with all your beautiful red heads  :-)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Dee;o)