Sherry Miller


Fenton, MO

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have been owned by Irish Setter's since 1973
About Me:
We got our first Irish Setter, Shilo, back in 1973 ...knowing nothing of the breed but soon fell in love with our boy...and since then we have had 5 more males....we lost our last old gentleman Irish in 2008 and our inherited rescue Brittany a month later and husband said NO MORE DOGS !! Well , in June of 2009 I talked him into letting me rescue an itsy, bitsy dog but the more I looked the more I knew my heart was truly with my Irish Setters....then one night watching the Cardinal's Baseball game ....they had the Purina Pro Dog of the week looking for a home....a young female Irish Setter named Heidi ( on You Tube under Heidi the Irish Setter) and to make a long story short ....Heidi has become our Miss Molly ! Wee bit wild at first but was out of crate even when we were not home within 3 months, Miss Molly has just been an awesome Irish for us....have ran out of tricks to teach her....and she sure changed my mind about insisting on always having a male dog! I had always gotten Irish puppies around 12 weeks old before but after being owned by Miss Molly ....I would search for a rescue dog as she has just been so easy to train and fit into our lives. The only thing I wish we did know was what her pedigree was . I still miss my boys but Miss Molly sure healed a lot of aching hearts in our home.

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  • Eunice Marott

    Left home today around midday got home at 6pm, fed baby Molly then off again now back home around 9pm.She was such a good girl and very pleased to see us!!! I left her inside with the door shut so she was unable to go outside but she was a good girl
  • Eunice Marott

    all o.k. here. Saturday today did the coffee and shopping thing with Molly. Funny when we drive into Woolworths carpark she gets excited and gets up in the car. That is where we do grocery shopping and one of us waits outside with Molly. She gets her pats there. I guess you mean young children and a baby coming for your neighbours. I will be interested to see how Molly goes with the grandkids. Can't wait to see the girls but really I do think it will be abit too much for them. Anyway it will be fun.

    Don't work too hard  

  • Eunice Marott

    oh and I hope Molly's friends next door did get her bully stick....
  • Eunice Marott

    saw an advertisement for film evening on Canada and Alaska. We will go next Tuesday and have a look.... should be good especially if they bring out the food and wine!!!
  • Eunice Marott

    yes you are correct 7.2 on the scale in the Pacific Ocean. I looked it up on the net.

    I think the earth at the moment has a few issues with the crust etc.

    Hope you don't work too hard. What was the night for your sister?

    Big hugs from baby Molly to Miss Molly

    talk soon


  • elizabeth cross

    Thank You Sherry. Yes, baby Matthew is here ! He was 8lbs 10 oz and 20 3/4 inches long. Bella is doing good with him , at first she really didnt care to much about him . But now she has learned she can smell the baby but thats all !! She lays on the floor beside me when nursing :) We still working on the BARKING !! But Im sure Matthew heard it for 9 months, because it doesnt really seem to bother him . Every once in awhile , he'll jump but hasnt cried yet over it . Besides that everything is going good, still need to work on her excitment with visiters, because with the new baby the door bell hasnt stop ringing . Bella just gets sooo Excited for company !

    My husband has been making sure to get Bella out everyday, and we play when baby is napping. Took our first family walk , she's unsure of the stroller but she'll get used to it to Im sure. All in all , everyone was right . With a little work everyday , we will be a happy IS family :)


  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Sherry, Mac is a great wee boy! He is full of beans and has two manic phases each day that wears us out! I can't wait until he gets his second vaccination and we can take him outside to conquer the world! David
  • Eunice Marott

    Hi Sherry

    Still can't send emails through the site. Give me a hi

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Sherry & Molly ! on behalf of Theoden...many thanks for the birthday wishes :)
  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Sherry ! Molly would be more than welcome to join the lads & 'a huntin' we will go' :)

    My new little red man is already here, a few weeks now :) a lovely little lad although he's growing like crazy. The boys haven't quite taken to him yet, I think it's going to be a long slow process but I'm hoping they'll eventually get along. I'll try to put some pictures up of him soon ~ Take care

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Sherry ! thanks very much :) I'm glad you like Rohan's name...I decided to stick with my Lord of the Rings theme :) He's already growing so fast,it's hard to keep up with him ! he seems to be taller as each day passes...I think he's going to be a big lad. Plus he has more energy than a dozen Duracell Bunnies :)

    We don't have any chipmunks here in Ireland...well no native ones & I've never seen any for sale by specilaist breeders but I have seen many while in Canada up at my Uncles cottage, the were very friendly & sooo cute. It's lovely that you have them living near you...who knows maybe Molly might make friends with them and no more drainpipe stand-offs :)

    ~Michelle & the boys

  • Michelle Walsh

    Hi Sherry ! seems your last Shilo & my Legolas are about the same size, he's about 35kg so roughly the same and like Shilo..muscle not fat. he's just a much bigger build than Theoden, who seems to be more the Llewellyn type (working) and is lighter & shorter. The working type seems to have less feathering too, for practical reasons I suppose. I don't know if Rohan will ever be Legolas' build/weight but he is going to be a tall lad I think :)

    Poor miss Molly has my sympathies ! my lads would be the very same Sherry, those cute chipmunks & squirrels would drive them crazy...assuming they were still alive to do so, the boysare pretty fast when hunting & when working as a team...very little gets past them. There's a mouse/mice however that hides out in the hen house, it drives them mad, they can smell/hear it but where it hides, they can't get at it, if it's not carefull it'll end up like a lot of the other mice they've found ! maybe she'll eventually get bored of them & ignore them.

    Until next time ~take care

  • Finding_Beau

    Thank you for your well wishes, Sherry.

    As we all know we can have some "tuff" times with our Setter kids and when you own more than one Setter it can happen that they all get something wrong at the same time. I am grateful all my Setters kids are still with me. None of us are getting any younger!!

    Take care

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Sherry, I can relate to your words "treasure each moment" and this is what helps me to let go of my despair particularly when my Setter kids suffer unnecessarily. Poor Hobson has only turned 8yo but looks the oldest of my three at the moment. If Hobson had died I don't know whether I could feel this way right now but he is alive so I focus on getting him well and enjoying every moment I am able to share with him, and also Hammer and Rose. I still miss Beau with all my heart and long for him to be home again but in the meantime "fate" has sent me three special English Setters, one of whom is Beau's brother. 

    Best wishes from Susan and her English Setter kids

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Sherry, we are too exhausted even to post his complaints! He is growing every day, and every day there is something new with him.He still has his mad phases every morning and evening - I ahd ro sit up with him till 2 am the other night until he was tired enough to go to sleep.

    Yesterday he found he could jump up on the sofa if he took a run at it - before he had to clamber up or get a helping hand. Darwin is such an easygoing dog and when this whirling drevish launches himself at him, he just has to go away! That said, Darwin is accepting him more and more. David

  • Sherry Miller

    Needed my morning giggle.....seems Mac is all typical Irish Puppy!  ( is when I introduced the water polo or volley ball (slightly deflated) out in the yard to wear the little "angels" out).  Poor Darwin must be giving you those long suffering looks like this was your IDEA and NOT MINE!  Loved it when they found they could getup onto the sofa to explore and cuddle....and that first bark that scares who did that? Not ME!  Not sure if Molly would accept a puppy chewing on her...playing and cuddling but not biting.......she would go into hiding along with her sock collection.  Hang in there as outside will help a lot with much more to explore and sink those little teeth into! and just think of all the excercise you all will get chasing after him. :) 
  • Phil Ledbetter

    Thanks for the compliment.  It is harder to let some of them go than others, as you might suspect.  We had a Gordon a while back that was totally blind, but she was so cute and very affectionate and full of life.  She was hard to let go.  I've had some real sweeties.  So loving.  Makes it very easy to love them back.  I currently have another Gordon and she has had such a sheltered and hard-for her- life.  I feel so sorry for her and I'm glad that every day I can give her things she never had and really should have had, as a dog growing up.  Anyway, I have done a little training here at the house with some quail, but have not actually gone hunting with them, even though I want to.  I don't think I would even want to have a show dog now.  They look to me to be funny looking.  The working dog is what they were meant to look like anyway.  I think it's kinda like some mad scientist took a perfectly good dog and changed everything until they look rather hideous.  Know what I mean?  Of course, I'm like a salmon swimming upstream on that thought.  Back to the Gordon...she is actually from Kansas City I think.   Her name is Roxy.
  • Sherry Miller

    Phil I am familiar with Roxy's pictures and brief story on SOS....just makes me feel bad to see our older setter's for no fault of their own having to live in foster homes instead of the home that should have delighted in them from puppy hood onward.  I admire your dedication to fostering and especially for loving them and giving them the things...and attention they missed earlier in life. It's the attention I know they love the most.

      I have had both types of IS here.......last old gentleman was a show setter but he HATED to be groomed or bathed so you can imagine the struggle that was with all his heavy show coat.  I have never hunted or had anyone hunt over my IS ....just know Molly is intent on her hunting all the time...much as my first IS was.  I have always had a male before so this female has taken our home by storm and stolen everyone's heart.  We just feel so lucky to have been picked to be owned by her.  Molly is also a wee bit bossy.........but does know the word NO.  We really do not know much about her background......except why she was given up and fact that her previous person wished her put was her vet that saved the day for Molly and got her into a rescue group here.  Funniest part is that the person here who said NO more dogs ever and then a year and a half later agreed to a small dog is the one who stole my dog from me.")  Has been wonderful to watch Molly charm him from day one and to see him doing things with her he never did with my lads.I believe this is the first time he has ever felt so loved by one of my Irish Setters ......she stalks him even from the windows outside which is hilarious to watch. Hope that things continue well for Roxy and weather cools soon for all of us so our picky ladies can spend more time outdoors.

  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Sherry thanks for your nice comments our dogs go crazy when they see the wallabies we try not to let the dogs out when they are around as they would chase them and it's really nice seeing them come so close to the house the fox is as bold as, he just sat down and looked at our dogs who were going ballistic, knowing some how he was safe on the other side of the fence
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Sherry we have not seen the joey yet we are playing with the photo to blow it up and load it on ES  the joey is more visible when the photo is enlarged but the enlargement won't load
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Sherry thanks for your comment it is fun having some roos in our back yard we are hoping to get a look at joey at some stage , they are very hard to get near and take off quickly if spooked, this mum stands about 4 ft tall there are a couple of males as well that are a little bigger
  • Laura Bayless

    Hi, it's so good to find a fellow setter lover in Mo.  Most people here haven't even seen one before.
  • Peter Hennig

    thank you for the birthday wishes Elton had a lovely day we went for 4 walks and had special treats through out the day


  • rob winemaker

    Hi Sherry, I see you are from the Show Me state. Is your current girl homegrown there? I think my current boys have lineage that traces there.


  • James Doran

    Hi Sherry, Romeo sends cuddles across the pond in return for your Birthday wishes. Thank you.

  • rob winemaker

    I'll have to look up again exactly where my boys are from. I got them locally here from Jean Green( also on this site) but they sire and dam are from Mo. and Tx. I forget which. I don't show or hunt ( I did show obedience yrs ago ). We just hang out and the boys show me what they got into and hunt for garbage and have loads of fun doing it. Seems to me the kennel in MO. bred several kinds of dogs.Siberians, Gordons?,I'll look into it.

  • Sherry Miller

    The one kennel near KC breeds I believe other dogs besides IS and ladies husband breeds Red Setters for hunting.  Molly just hunts for her own enjoyment,,,,,the squirrels, chipmunks , rabbits and when the sun is just right her leave shadows.  Doesn't catch them but likes an audience while she is showing off her skills.  We have never shown or hunted with our Irish...just beloved companions who rule our world.  She is our first female and while somethings are the same we are learning all about how prissy a female can be (at times) and just enjoying her 100% of the time.  I do envy you that farm for them to run on though,  Wonder how such tiny pups got way up your direction!!  Enjoy them.

  • rob winemaker


    It's Rose Valley Kennels, Excelsior Springs, MO. The name is Lola Davis. They breed IS, GS, Siberians and Wiemers. Does that sound familiar?

  • Sherry Miller

    Rob that is the kennel Bailey ( lives in neighborhood) came from.  I have never gotten one of my IS from them but did look at the site after Bailey came home.

  • Barbara

    Dear Sherry! I wish you and Miss Molly merry Christmas and a healthy New Year 2012!!

    All the best. Barbara

  • Cornelia

    Hi Sherry, I tried to send you a mail sometime before Christmas - does your mail-box work? Whishing you a ver Happy New Year, C & J xxx

  • Cornelia

    Thanks for the feedback, Sherry - I will try the mailbox then once more...

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Sherry for your comment.

  • Barbara

    Dear Sherry! Thank you for your comment and sorry for my late answering. Hope you and Miss Molly are well. All the best. Barbara

  • Jennifer Yow

    Thank you! :)

  • Cornelia

    Happy birthday, Sherry! Enjoy your day! C & J

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    A very Happy Birthday Sherry!!!!  No doubt you will have a fantastic celebration, beautiful Miss Molly will care of that  :-)

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Sherry! Your turn to be spoiled. Have a lovely day.

  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Sherry;o)

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Sherry!!

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Happy Birthday, Sherry! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  • Carmel Murphy

    Clever girl Molly, letting Alan know she was too hot;o) Not spoiled at all;o)

  • Cornelia

    :-) One could almost think, it was Molly's Birthday and not yours :-))

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Sherry, Glad you had a great birthday with Molly. Mac is no longer 'wee' on the outside, but he's still a baby at heart!

  • Cornelia

    Thank you, Sherry! We were very lucky with the last photo, as the sun was on Joy's face just at that very moment :-). All the best, C & J xxx

  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Sherry! On Joy's B'day i could go to the training ground and do some dummy-'work' - Joy loves this and was very tired afterwards :-)). Best wishes, C & J

  • David McIlveen Wright

    Hi Sherry, Are you still around? David

  • john murphy

    Happy birthday Sherry, hope you and Molly have a great day.

  • Mike

    Hi Sherry, Thank you for accepting. Gunner has already stolen my heart. He is only 7 months; and is as close to me as some great dogs, I have had in the past! He is an absolute joy to have around. The people here are wonderful and the information is never ending. My favorite part of this site, is looking at all of the great pictures people have posted.

    Thank you again!


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Sherry my last boy Paddy would sulk when he saw the suit case come out he knew what it ment, my ex came to stay at mine when I went away last month to look after Finlay for me my daughter talked him into it (",)