Peter Hennig




Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 at present 6 over time
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
since I was 18
About Me:
I got my first setter at 18 now I have number 6 and I'm more
in love with the breed than ever. The boy I have now 'Elton' has been given to me from Marie who bred him and my last boy ,

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  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you Peter!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Yes Peter I knew about "as if" turning into "Azif" as you had kindly explained to me once, but it seems that I couldn't understand the real meaning of your sentence ... :-(  foreigners for you! All the best Peter, cuddles to all your adorable 4 legged friends, and hope your sister is ok???
  • Yvonne Wark

    Ah thanks Peter for explaining he is lovely I adore Afghans but all the grooming....bad enough with an Irish and a Sprollie !!!
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Peter

    It is a shame Elton and family did not do well at the Royal. However there is not much you can do if the judge likes a particular type. Have you been showing long? If so, you might have seen Hammer in the ring up to 2006. He won BIS at his last show in Sep 2006. I would not have cared if Hammer had never won a ribbon. I loved him just for being Hammer. Best of luck in your next show.

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Peter

    It is wonderful that you love your dogs the way you do. This is why they are all so happy. I am certain Elton enjoys his time in the ring because he is with you. The love we share is what is most important. xxx

  • Karen McKelvey

    Thank you Peter they are just 4 weeks today so are early at planning the great escape We have had to put them in a larger higher sided box as one did make it over the top ( the smallest) I think she must have climbed on another one shes a smart cookie.
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hey Peter, Azif sounds like such a character. 

    Sorry to hear you didn't do any good at the Royal.  At least you can understand their judging when they stick to Am Type.  It's confusing when they jump all over the place.

    I am so looking forward to Easter in Sydney next year.  There are a few of us coming down and over, so I hope to meet up with lots of people and dogs!!!  Looking forward to the social more than the shows!!!

    cheers, Cheryl x

  • Cheryl Gorey

    oops, forgot to say thanks for your comments on Bridget's title.  We are very happy with our little girl!  cheers
  • keller cathy

    le plaisir est partagé ... Merci avec un peu de retard (problème informatique)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    This is very interesting Peter, and glad you have put the reference of the book too. And of course, once you said that, it reminds me that I can see my dogs waiting for some signals from other dogs or people ... unless I told them that "it is a nice doggy" and they do trust me!!!!! However, I would have never thought of reassuring my dog in a show ..... thanks again Peter  :-)
  • rob winemaker

    Great tip Peter. Looking forward to it. Could have used it yesterday as the fellas don't get out in public often and they created a havoc trying to stroll by the lake where there were many walking w/ dogs.

    My very first Irish went everywhere w/ me and was lost at 3yrs of age under awkward circumstances. That was 30yrs ago but I am very reluctant still to go anyplace w/ the dogs and it showed yesterday.

  • Dee Rance

    You are quite for having fun....well not sure that I have the time to have fun these days...thought that being retired was going to give us more time for 'fun' but not so...don't know how I fitted work into my day...Seak soon Dee and the kids

  • John Murphy

    Hi Peter.

    Pleased to make your acquaintance.  I have lived in Mt Martha for 26 years.  Fantastic pics on your site.  Great to see the Afghans.  When I was a young boy I found an Afghan but my folks wouldn't let me keep it.  Had they, I could have gone off in quite a different direction doggywise.  Happy birthday Elton. Cheers, John.

  • Michelle Webster

    He's a very lucky boy!

  • Dee Rance

    As I have said before on the pictures you boy Elton has a look of my boy Fin...perhaps that is why I like him so much.....such a handsome boy..and birthdays should be 'indulgent' don't you think...????

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Happy birthday Elton. 2 already and looking handsome. Best wishes from Kerry and Murphy.

  • James Doran

    Hi Peter, Romeo sends long range hugs in return for your Birthday wishes. Sincere regards.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Merry Christmas to you and Susan too. We will try and catch up at Kyneton to cheer on team Hennig. Elton is looking in wonderful condition and more settled looking at your photos. Phil is a little more experienced with the video now, so less shots of the turf condition.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Hmmm. Change Kyneton to Lancefield and Yaark to Yambuk.

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Peter for your comfort after death of my Kruszynka. The dogs live categorically too short... that is not very good project of nature

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Soooo nice.

    I will have a guess. Peterborough?

    Cheers Rhonda

  • Rhonda Fisher

    You're too kind, I was well off. I have only been to the Port Fairy eastern beach once, years ago. I remember it was a little tricky to get to.

    I have now matched you a beach photo and raised you by a rock pool.

    It is time to head to the beach again on a cooler day.

    I see Warrnambool Show has been moved to FEBURARY!!!

    We will be lucky to get a cooler day in that month. That sea breeze is a blessing but Feb is asking a bit much.

    A special place as that is where we all met and we told you about Marie and her litter.



  • Rhonda Fisher

    Noooo. We are Great Ocean Road fans. Urquats Bluff.

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Yes I saw Narracort was on the same weekend. Phil was keen on that one with stories of Coonawarrra just being down the road. Red wine man trip more like. Hollicks Winery do a very nice sparkling mertot which could tempt me.

    But I think it will be too hot and a long way from a sea breeze.

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  • Rhonda Fisher

    whoops! Sparkling MERLOT not mertot.

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Peter, Sending you our best wishes for Morgan's birthday anniversary. I do not blame you for feeling cheated. Morgan was too young to die but unfortunately some of our beautiful children are only with us for a short time. Sending English Setter kisses to you and Elton and all your boys xxxx

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Peter, I agree you with. Dogs can teach us humans a great deal if we will only listen and the connection we form with each one of our dogs is extraordinary. Have you read the books written by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross? She has helped me understand my grief. If you are interested, her books are listed on Fishpond. Wishing you and all your boys and your family a peaceful Christmas and hope 2012 is a wonderful year for all of you.  xxxxx

  • Nardi Rowe

    Many thanks for your Christmas Greetings.  Lovely photo.  Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.  Best wishes, Nardi

  • Dee Rance

    Will definitely try and have a good one....going to my daughters for a meal tonight so that will be nice....although very cold getting there...have been sliding about, like the skaters waltz on the;o)

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, thanks for the seasons wishes.  I hope you had a great Christmas too and have a great year ahead both in the ring and out!  Just got back from 5 days away for Christmas with Paul's familiy in Brisbane.  chat soon Cheryl

  • Nadine Bonjean

    Thank you for your comment about Jarno!

  • Cornelia

    Thanks, Peter! I like the first photo too - I remember shouting at my husband: Press the button, NOW - for I left my camera at home that day. Regards from him too, C & Jxxx

  • Marie Quinn

    Thanks Peter, Happy New Year .I love the Christmas pics.

    Marie & Miikka

  • Carmel Stringfellow

    Hi Peter,

    so sorry to hear about your sister. I really don't know what to say but I hope all goes well for her and I am sure she has the best carers in the world.

    Will take loads of photos in April. Not actually going to the Royal..USA judge so probably won't like my stuff. Am going to the shows on the Saturday with Myra, Melinda and Cheryl. Should be great fun.

    Take care and best wishes to your sister.



  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, hope you have had a great start to the new year.

    We have a couple of judges coming up our way next month so wondering if you have had any success under them.  Professor B. Corbitt; and Mr I. Hinde both Victorian judges.

    We have had a rocky start with family health, but the dogs are good and enjoying the summer break.



  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, thanks for the info on the judges.  I won't bother travelling 350kms to enter!!  Chat soon, Cheryl

  • Cornelia

    Yes, thank you very much - all well here - just cold and muddy - well not that cold, alas the mud :-)) - we went hiking the other day - will soon post a new blog, C & J

  • Michelle Webster

    Dear Peter,

    Thank you so much for your wonderful message, it brought tears to my eyes, but was a huge comfort. In time I will write about what happened, but for now everything is still too raw. Geordie was my only dog and this is the first time for 32 years that I haven't had an Irish Setter. The house is so empty without him.

    Best wishes,


  • Cornelia

    Hi Peter, mmhhh, sounds lovely - here it's rainy at the moment and we have a 'dirty-paws' coming in from the garden - but the ground is in need of a bit of water. All the best, C & J xxx

  • rob winemaker

    Hi Peter,

    Thats great that you have a vast safe area around you to walk. I have been living in the same township for 30+ yrs. now. Where I first resided, my red boys actually slept in the road (gravel ) and if you saw 2 cars all day, it was alot. Then I bought a place north of town with much more traffic but you recognized all the vehicles and people drove ( for the most part ) respectfully. Now, forget it. The upper part of the road is potholed gravel so by the time they reach my place ( old farmhouse close to road, paved ) they are at full Mach speed. Anyway, how great to chat with you half way around the world because of a shared love for some 'crazy red things'.

  • rob winemaker


    I grew up on Long Island and I am about 1hr from Wellsville. Do they dabble in Red Dogs?


  • Lois McCullough

    Hi Peter thank you for the tips our 2 are at training classes every week and again it's with praise and treats however they seem to think it's a playgroup. Maybe it's all to do with the trainer i.e me they probably don't take me seriously enough!!

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Well done Peter and Elton. Wonderful that it was such a Hennig family affair. He is a much loved boy XXX Rhonda Phil Murphy and Kerry.


  • Cornelia

    Thank you,Peter! I just noticed, I'm about two months late for that blog... All the best, C & J xxx

  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Peter, thanks for all the information on the obedience tests.  We don't have those tests up here in this part of Qld, so that was interesting.  I did a google search on the APDT and see there are some trainers in Qld. 

    Hope all is going well for you all.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi lovely photos of Elton, and your Afgans, a work mate had Afgan years ago he had to have all his coat shaved off as dog jumped through patio window chasing a fly and all the glass was in his coat, seems there as mad as setters (",)

  • Cornelia

    Oh yes, 4 years - 'all' grown up - but thankfully with an Irish this is only in the theory and we can still en'joy' our girl, young and full of crazy ideas as ever :-)) - photo was taken with the special toy :-). all the best, C & J xxx

  • Cornelia

    Thanks for you comment on my blog, Peter! I haven't got so much time these days to put one up but managed on the prolonged weekend :-)). All the best, C & J xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthday Peter, i bet Logan is getting big now (",)

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Pete! Have a noice one.