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Yesterday was the fifth time we entered the JH test and Lego got his 4th pass! the day was perfect - sunny, chilly, and slight wind - just enough for the scent to get off the ground. The hunt test grounds at Eagle, Wisconsin were great - although a lot of ticks for this time of year.
Lego and the bracemate both found the same bird although the Vizsla locked on point before Lego so he got that bird.
On we went looking and for a minute I thought we would go birdless as he was breathing more with his mouth open then nose and it is hard to scent through that enormous tongue :)
But he locked on point right in front of the judge on the horse. So the hard part came - for ME to find the bird. I followed the advice of my trainer - start with right in front of the dog's nose and move out straight ahead clearing the grass * which was nice, thick and tall to help the birdies*. After two-three steps, I heard a chirp, chirp noise so I stopped and kicked the grass more. And then, a thought passed through my head - look UNDER where you are standing. :o\
And, lo! and behold.. the birdie was underneath my foot. :(((( So, Jelena "the bird stomper" under the instructions of laughing judge, takes and flings the quail in the air. It falls to the ground with a thud. The bird was, indeed, dead. :(
Lego was very happy - broke the point and went to get it. At least he is not licking the birds anymore but fully retreiving them. :)))
Although the licking of the birds was very cute ... :)
So, in total humiliation, and thinking how can I erase yet another blotch on my karma, while the judge was laughing AT me, I continued to look for more birds. He found another one but the time was up, so in the interest of the bird, I stayed away and called Lego back. :)
That will be a good story for the judges table. not to mention that he knows the same people I know - it is a small world if you are in IL field stuff, so I am sure even more people (and not just Laura ) will make fun of me :D

So, here are few pictures from yesterday . I have more from the previous tests that I will upload little later :)
Lego is now Garden Star's Hocus Pocus, JH, CGC (no comments, Laura, you have already told me what you thought about those ;o)

oh, and I also want to add that Judy B's Cailin who is 7 months old passed today as well! Great job Judy and Cailin!!! :))))) she got a 10 in bird finding ability. I scratched today because Lego and I were feeling lazy and slept in so we were not there to celebrate .... :) ( and then I got stuck talking to Laura, and that was it from my Sunday afternoon ) LOL

Views: 18

Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 28, 2007 at 11:35am
:-) congrats again, you know i love you both :)
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on October 29, 2007 at 3:29am
Congratulations and keep up the good work.
Comment by Carmel Murphy on October 29, 2007 at 3:50am
Well done!
Comment by Laura Kolbach on October 29, 2007 at 5:42am
can't you just please stop to blame everything on me? ;-)
Comment by ursula wilby on October 30, 2007 at 7:42am
Comment by Henk ten Klooster on October 30, 2007 at 2:25pm
Bright colors sunny story - any pics of Lego in action?
Comment by Jelena Kreitmayer on October 31, 2007 at 11:50am
this one is from the first test:
(all pictures)
pointing: http://www.kj9t.com/GWPCI/GWPCI_FALL_Hunt%20Test_2007/pres0037.html

also, there are pictures on AKC site of the Sunday test, with a lot of pictures of Judy B's Cailin. No Lego though but there are other setters pictured :D
Comment by Henk ten Klooster on October 31, 2007 at 2:03pm
Thanks & success Jelena and Lego. .


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