I'm really ashamed to present you the best bitches from the french championship. The CACIB went to the bitch from the left ( 4 years) !!!!!!
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Bye bye irish setter in france ! ! !
I know that irish setter are like that in France.
But I does not understand the judges.
This poor female seems to be sick, the shame has her owner and in all those glorify an irish setter like that ! Eurk
The irish setter lover in France have to make a revolution against the red club and its politics !
I have visited the website of the red club last week and I was horrified to read : Http: // redclub-france.com / eagle.aspx " Eagle, puppy of big hunting line, is can belong to you if you play! " Poor baby
Yes Charlotte this too is a disgrace for an Irish Setter Club that perhaps many do not know --
The 'Red Club' in France offers as a 'Competition Prize'!!! an Irish Setter Puppy!!!!
Yes a club giving a puppy as a prize! A complete utter disgrace to give any dog as a prize but here we have
an official Irish Setter Club giving away a puppy to an unknown person as a prize;
Just how far down in this world can you go..?????????????????????
As for a new club in France; I believe that on the European law level that this should be checked out, but that this is allowed;
Perhaps a kind French lawyer could take up the cause of these poor people and check out the european laws on these matters!
Any French lawyers out there willing to offer his services??????
Sorry my link is not good http://redclub-france.com/eagle.aspx
Kristina it is not a joke but the reality :-(((
I am not sure that the French kennel club accepts that ?????
I could not go through this link either so I just googled the name and found the website! Unfortunately I dont understand French so could only look at photos!! The main photo on their home page looks very like a red pointer( a beautiful animal but not a setter!!)
It is unbelievable to select such a bitch ! She does not promote the breed, nor the breeder. And the judge ??? Well...obviously there IS a problem with him....he is no spring chicken and his eyes must be faulty for sure ! And you can smell a rat behind such a mistake !
Just Googled the Red Club website and looked at their Breed Standard....where on earth did they find all these measurements for their ideal dog?????? In the UK this year the new directives for judges from the Kennel Club are : please remember the dogs must be :'fit for life, fit for function'.....could you say that about this 4 year old bitch?
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