Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Unbelievable!! Our Joyful Bundle is three years old today!!

She's a happy girl most of the time and why shouldn't she be with spring being so beautiful this year!

At three years of age, she should have learned to walk nicely on the leash ...

Well - we are trying our best and she can be most obedient :-)).

With the excitement of our Tour however, she seems to forget from time to time and with a twinkle in my eyes - and left with the only excuse that she's a Setter after all - I dance with Joy: (there was a mountain biker just ahead of us :D)Joy is not much of a pincher - but she has a weekness for brushes and brooms :-)).

She likes to do what we do and play with what we play - here we tried to play Boccia:

Joy soon got the hang of it and invented her own rules :-)).

She can be sooo focused -

and sooo absorbed in play!!

In the evening she is tired and most nights she carries her cushion upstairs to go to bed (some nights she is too tired for that last task!) - besides mine that's where she wants to stay an so I just put a kiddybed mattress on the ground.

And after a good nights rest, we're up and about again! 

So Happy Birthday my Happy Bundle - the next Tour blog will follow soon, for we managed to cover quite a strech those last few days - and how adventurous they were!!!

Views: 88

Comment by Michelle Walsh on April 24, 2011 at 3:04pm
~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY !!~~ have a great day :)  lovely photos Cornelia as always !
Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on April 25, 2011 at 12:52am

Great story and photos! I like Joy playing with a broom!

Happy Birthday!

Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on April 25, 2011 at 6:04am
God Love Her!! What a delightful friend and companion Joy is. One of those very special ones, indeed.
Comment by Ute Pütz on May 5, 2011 at 5:40am
Ich bin wohl etwas spät, aber alles Gute zu deinem dritten Geburtstag, Joy. Ich hoffe, Ihr hattet einen wunderschönen Tag. Dein kleines Fotoalbum ist wirklich super, und sei beruhigt...Mein Norman wird nächsten Monat auch drei Jahre alt, ist eigentlich auch sehr gehorsam, meint aber anfangs auch immer, "ER" müßte mit mir spazieren gehen :)))


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