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Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Our Thoughts Are With The People Of The UK.

To all my wonderful friends in the UK. It only seems like yesterday that I was enjoying a wonderful holiday with you all and enjoying some wonderful Irish Setters :-). Now as I watch the news I see terrible footage of looting and the burning of lovely buildings and more sadly peoples homes and cars in many cities across the UK.

Please stay safe all of you. Sadly doing the job I do I saw the way the youth had little respect toward other people and property in prison and the severity of their crimes reflected it. That is why we made the hard decision to move to New Zealand but I still miss the UK.

Many New Zealanders have relations and friends in the UK so I know that I am not alone when I say that we all hope these events pass quickly. Thankfully there are more good people in the world than bad.


Our love and thoughts are with you all both human and those gorgeous setters

Views: 358

Comment by Sue and Cash on August 9, 2011 at 8:47pm

When I see the news reports of the violence in the UK it brought flooding back to me the lyrics to one of my all time favorite George Michael songs, "Praying for Time".  One line is "what was over there, is over here".  And how true.  I found myself thinking indeed (again his lyrics) "all God's children crept out the back door".  It felt like that was something we would have here in the US before it would happen to you.  The world is so global now and what is over there is over here and vice versa.  They report the anger is over unemployment and economic woes which is such a global problem.  I just don't understand how burning down a family business can do anything but add to the problem.  More unemployment, less money in the economy of your town.  Makes no sense at all.  But all through history we see that madness never seems to make sense. 

Here is the song with lyrics which give me chills everytime I hear it.  Never were truer words spoken and sung so beautifully. 


Comment by Jo Ottinger on August 10, 2011 at 12:01am
Hope everyone is safe, terrible what is happening in such a beautful country. Hard to understand how someone does not care about what they are doing to someone else.  All that senseless waste.
Comment by Lois McCullough on August 10, 2011 at 6:28am
I agree with everything you say Mel however I also believe we are a nation with the 'softly, softly approach' where there is no respect for parents, teachers, the police. I remember growing up where I was actually frightened of the police, my teachers and at times my parents.Part of the problem are the powers that have been removed from the teachers, police and parents. Where in the civilised world do you see the Police without water cannons and unarmed - where is the deterrent to prevent this rioting. If taken to court the rioters will be given a warning or a very lenient sentence and it's time our politicians stopped 'pussy footing' around and got to grips with the fundamental issues. We fight wars in other countries and cannot solve the problems on our own doorstep - it makes me so angry!!   
Comment by James Doran on August 10, 2011 at 8:28am
What ye sow, so shall ye reap! Enough said.
Comment by lyn hathaway on August 10, 2011 at 10:03am

until they learn what the word respect means this will always be a problem .this has to start at home but these thugs have no respect for anything or anyone and thats including their parents and not all of them come from broken homes.

they are blaming unemployment or not getting places at college ,im sorry there are jobs out there if they look and there are places for them in college if they stop in full time education .the majority will have been suspended or kicked out of school.

just hope this gets sorted quickly by what ever means it takes 

Comment by Cheryl Gorey on August 16, 2011 at 3:54am
So sad to see all the destruction and loss of lives over in the UK .... such horrible scenes on our TV.  Our thoughts are with you all.


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