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For a long time I wanted to take Joy to Venice to have fun with the pigeons on Piazza San Marco - so finally, we managed - just follow the direction of her smiling face and then look upwards from the two shadows: 

But our Joy does not only 'laugh' a lot herself, she is also in the habit of bringing a smile on the face of perfect strangers. She would make a wonderful pat-dog. Just look at the expression on the lady's face! - Sorry, that I started to fix the halti, but the boat was just about to leave:

From the vaporetto, the boats that tour the larger canals of Venice, I could quietly take some photos of some of the houses:

Here's Joy on the boat - in Italy dogs, as tall as Joy have to wear a muzzle on boats or ferries; I brought one with but managed well with the halti so far, relying on the fact that most people cannot tell the difference:

Arriving by boat is always special! Here you can see the Palazzo Ducale and the Campanile di San Marco:

"Hello, tall one - are you Venetian?":

Some of the many 'gondola':

"Mmhhh - shall we have fish and crab for lunch?":

Joy did not mind the many tourists - she had only eyes for the pigeons - again follow her gaze diagonally upwards:

She even had a hard time follow my 'sit' as there were more pigeons in front and would not care for the beautiful architecture:



Well - we took her to a more quiet 'piazza' to chill out and went on to visit some friends:

I hope you enjoyed our short stay as well as we did. As we both had to work on Joy's fourth birthday, we thought this would make up for a belated B'day fun - or as a Setter owner, who'd prefer to stay anonymous, once said: "Our dog is not spoiled, she just sometimes does not know she is a dog."


Views: 312

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on May 28, 2012 at 3:23am

Well Cornelia, to say I really enjoy your blogs is not knew and this will be an understatement ... Many thanks as I was in Venice too, watching beautiful Joy coping with all the pigeons  :-) :-)  fabulous pictures as usual, what a treat to start my day!!!

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on May 28, 2012 at 4:26am

I feel i've had a tour of Venice too, i'm adding it to my places to visit (",)

Comment by martina mckeag on May 28, 2012 at 5:46am

Cornelia again you have sheared a beautiful blog with us Venice looks lovely and joy seemed to have a great time 

with all those pigeons look forward to your next adventure .

Comment by Peter Hennig on May 28, 2012 at 6:54am

always love your photos and journeys thankyou for putting them on

Comment by Carmen Lorenzi on May 28, 2012 at 10:50am

Oh wow !!! War vor Jahren einmal in bella Venezia :-) Einfach wunderschön:-) Und mit Hund macht es noch viel mehr Spass :-))

Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on May 28, 2012 at 2:42pm

Excellent photo story, thanks for sharing:-)

Bringing a smile on the face of perfect strangers - this is setters' the best feature. Could you imagine something like that traveling with f.e. german shepherd or many other breeds

Comment by silvia on May 29, 2012 at 2:33am

thanks Cornelia!!!!!!!!!! WOW great pictures: that's my home city and you bring back lot of memories, as I was there today :)

Too much fun with all that pigeons : I am sure Joy was thinking she ended up in a dog- paradise :)

little comment (he he): there is only one "piazza" in Venice (piazza San Marco of course).. all other little squares are "campo": full stop;). Never never say to a venician that you were in a "smaller piazza" . we simply dont understand what you mean ;)

Comment by silvia on May 29, 2012 at 2:39am

btw: is the quiet "campo" close to campo ai frari? trying to work out from the chimney on the roof of the houses..:)

Comment by Barbara on May 29, 2012 at 3:10am

Danke für die schönen Bilder Cornelia!

Comment by Nardi Rowe on May 29, 2012 at 3:18am

Thank you.  I loved the photos.  My mother's family emigrated out to Australia in the 1830's from villages just north of Venice - Albina & I can't remember the other village.  I stayed in Venice in 1979 but sadly didn't see any Irish Setters.  There was a jewellery shop in San Marco's Square called "Nardi's".  By chance did you notice whether it is still there.  Family history is that one of our relatives was a Cardinal?? at San Marco's Basilica (1500's I think must check with Mum) and the Nardi family donated much money into the church for the Nardi family to be taken care of in perpetuity.  I always joke to people who I hear visit and ask if they loved the Basilica as that is my inheritance they are enjoying.  Your photos brought back happy memories of my visit all those years ago and I loved seeing an Irish Setter enjoying the delights the city has to offer.


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