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It's Nardi Rowe's birthday today!

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Nardi Rowe
  • Female
  • Sydney, NSW
  • Australia
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Nardi Rowe's Friends

  • graham edwards
  • Sandra, Monty and Kerry
  • Gail Young
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright
  • Nina S
  • Lois McCullough
  • Teresa Gisby
  • Eunice Marott
  • Pat Aldridge
  • Peter Hennig
  • Kerstin Thaens
  • Cornelia
  • Cheryl Gorey
  • Gayle Sheridan
  • Patricia Rutherford

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Nardi Rowe's Page

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I have imported two Irish Setters dogs being Ginger Meggs (Imp UK) in 1977 and Ciaran Dariabar (Imp UK) in 1988 from the late Marjorie Jarosz (Joanma's).

Over the years, I have bred only two litters of Irish and hope to bred another next year.

In 1995 I bred my current bitch, Irishfield Riona Ciara using Myra Thomas-Rhodes (Amhurst) Swedish imported dog Copper's Prins Trollmane (Imp Sweden) over a bitch I bred by my last UK import out of a Amhurst bitch, Amhurst Ragsdale Regae.

My young daughter and I have 2 rescue dogs (a desexed orange belton English Setter bitch, Cleo and a desexed Maltese dog, Charlie; 5 rescue cats; 5 pure bred dwarf lop and mini lop rabbits, silkie bantams, Pekin duck, birds and an old Jersey cow named Annabelle who is a pet and very tame and friendly.

My other passion is pure bred Arabian horses who I have owned since 1985. I have bred 6 pure breds since 1988. I used to show them very successfully at major shows in the mid 1980's to late 1980's both in hand and under saddle. I have 4 stallions and 2 mares plus a 30 yr old pure bred Welsh mare my daughter still rides but is about to retire and an 21 yr old Arabian pony mare we recently acquired who my daughter is having riding lessons on.

We live on acreage on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia.

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Comment Wall (31 comments)

At 12:25pm on March 31, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Welcome to ES Nardi!!!
16 years you said????? please tell me the line.....
At 11:04pm on March 31, 2011, Carmel Stringfellow said…

Hi Nardi,

welcome to the site! It is great? Are you a friend of Myra's?


At 11:38pm on March 31, 2011, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…

YooHoo Nardi - good to have you on board!


At 2:15am on April 1, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Welcome Nardi to this great site. 

I would love to see pics of your girl and her pedigree too of course!! 

cheers from (no so sunny Queensland), Cheryl

At 6:03am on April 1, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Nardi

Thanks for the info on your girl's pedigree.  My boy, Clancy is a grandson of Nome, so we have relatives!!

I like your girl's pedigree.  I haven't heard of her Grandfather (Ciaran Dariabar Imp UK).  Do you have any pics of him and does he still live in Australia?  Would love to see pics of her Mum Rachel too! 

It is hard to get good photos so I look forward to seeing some of your girl.

chat soon


At 6:16am on April 1, 2011, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…

Hey Nardi.....if you look at the Irish at the top of my page, you will see it is darling Reggae!


At 9:19am on April 1, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

So very sorry for your lovely Rachel and so envious you can keep them alive so long!!! Was the "end" of Rachel progressive or sudden? Was she active until the end? I lost my boy 3 weeks short of his 14th birthday but his mother died age 17!!!! I was hoping the same, but wasn't so lucky.

Wish you the best of luck with Ciara, hoping to see plenty of pictures of her and her beautiful puppies soon.

At 5:13am on July 8, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Nardi, no, but thanks for your message now. 

I hope you are feeling better now.  Life seems to be very busy for everyone.  I hope your daughter enjoys her birthday.  My older son turned 20 on 5th and my younger son turns 16 on 4 August. 

Ciaran sounds like he was very special.

How exciting that your Ciara is over at Myra's.  I wish you all the best with the mating, etc.  I would love to know what male Myra is putting over your girl  I have a friend of mine who is looking for a new puppy, so would be very interested.  If you want, you can e-mail me direct at goreymky@bigpond.com

Look forward to hearing from you and would love to see some pics!



At 10:22pm on July 9, 2011, Cheryl Gorey said…

Hi Nardi

They are a very special breed and such special personalities.  So sorry to hear that you lost Rachel.  What a lovely lifetime you have had with both of Ciara's parents!

I look forward to seeing pics and hearing the selected sire when you can.

Hope you are having a nice relaxing weekend.



At 8:58am on August 20, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Hi Nardi, exciting news indeed, so who did you choose as Ciara partner? Wish you all, and especially you and Ciara the best of luck !!!  waiting to see puppies pictures now  :-)

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Nardi Rowe's Blog


Posted on November 14, 2011 at 8:18am 7 Comments

I have just attended Equitana an horse expo  held in Sydney Australia where the world's best horse trainers and/or riders have gathered to impart their knowledge.  One of the participants was Stacy Westfall from the USA.  Those interested in bringing out the best in our animals can only marvel at the trust and respect this horse has for her rider.  This youtube clip I have was from 2006 when she was competing freestyle having just lost her father shortly before the event paying tribute to…


For those of us interested in training & developing trust in us with animals

Posted on November 14, 2011 at 8:15am 4 Comments

I have just attended Equitana an horse expo  held in Sydney Australia where the world's best horse trainers and/or riders have gathered to impart their knowledge.  One of the participants was Stacy Westfall from the USA.  Those interested in bringing out the best in our animals can only marvel at the trust and respect this horse has for her rider.  This youtube clip I have was from 2006 when she was competing freestyle having just lost her father shortly before the event paying tribute to…




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