Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I know i have mentioned this before, but life truly is better with a setter. Whether you have just the one, or your own pack (or anything in between) could you imagine life without them? One look into those eyes and your heart is lost forever. Life is also better with Exclusively Setters, where we get to share them (and so much more!) with each other.

That being the case, i would like to recognise this by proposing to the community that we adopt this as our Exclusively Setter motto. Let us celebrate something for a change.

Er, can i have a seconder?

My sincerest regards,


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Yes I will second this.  I cann't imagine life without a setter.

We second you enthusiastically- Oberon said :)

We will second and even third you if necessary!

Life is indeed so much better with a Setter! I look back on the past two years and I have no idea where I would be right now if it my girls had not been therr with me the hole time!

And life is also better with ES, where I can find other "crazy setter people" and learn so much from them!

Totally agreed, James!:-)

Yes James;o)

Life is better with a Setter

You can boogaloo with two

next line anyone?

And give a little coo
Life is better with a Setter

To be continued......

as last resort send a letter

"God, I want third setter too".

"as last resort" somebody can improve, please

James, I think you have to moderate our song:-)

 OK then,

And if you live down under

A setter's better than a roo!  (sorry skippy!)

How about

and if you own a setter

You know you're going to get fitter.

And you'll get a little dafter,

But be happy everafter

We lost our irish setter a few month ago and....YES life is better with a setter...it's so sad to go walking in winter without an IS. Hopefully we can have a look to all of the wonderfull pictures on ES. We are IS addicted and ES is our drug!!!!! I thanks all of you for sharing your love of this incredible breed!




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