Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

The only reason I spend time on the internet is to find my English Setter "Beau" (Graylors Distinct Gold). I hope the day will come when Beau is back home and I can enjoy my internet experience more. The first dog I ever owned was an Irish Setter when I was 10yo. Therefore obviously I have a soft spot for Irish Setters. For some reason, English Setters have come to me, rather than Irish Setters, since 1990, and what amazing, wonderful friends they have been. Since I was a child I have felt a great love for all animals and the natural environment. I was never drawn to being a breeder. However, showing a dog appealed to me because I am creative and I believed showing a dog was a creative art form, just the same as I believe riding a horse is a creative art form. What is paramount to me is my relationship with my dog and my horse and the importance of my trusting my intuition and listening to what my dog and my horse is trying to tell me. (Humans are pretty stupid compared to animals). I purchased Jessie to show in 1990 but she had serious hip displaysia. Jessie meant much more to me than showing, so I did not try again until 2003, with Beau. Soon after I started showing Beau, he was STOLEN. I will try to participate as best as I can on this site, bearing in mind my priority is finding Beau. Will you please visit my website www.findingbeau.com and if you are interested, I would appreciate very much your helping me to find Beau.

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I am so sorry for your loss. How horrible. I'm sending Hot Arizona Setter Zen across the waters in hope that one day your dream of getting your dog back will happen.

God Bless , Loma and Red Friends
Dear Lorna and your Red Friends
Thank you very much for your Setter Zen, and for caring about Beau. I appreciate this very much.
I'm so sorry Susan.
My best wishes headed your way in the hopes that will help you find him.

Hi Mavis
I feel all the hopes and prayers being sent to Beau and myself will find him safely one day. Thank you.
I am sorry that someone just can steel your dog.
It would be my worse nightmere if something like that would happen to me.
Dear Harriet
Thank you also for caring. I can assure you it is your worst nightmare. Even though it can almost destroy you when your dog dies, at least you know where he or she is and that they cannot ever be harmed. This is what tears me apart about Beau. Most people stick their heads in the sand about what happens to stolen dogs. The reality is that they are not looked after well, and if they cannot escape, most die sad, lonely deaths long before their time. Somehow I have to find Beau before this happens to him.




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