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my dog is very afraid of persons, she always try to be behind me when other persons try to approach, she also is afraid of big cars and motorcycles, I dont know what to do If somebody knows the cause, please help me

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How old is he/she? Has this been the case since he/she was a puppy? How have you tried to deal with this? Have you been to puppy-classes? Done any training?
she is one year old, i recently notice this, because when she was a puppy she was not like that, i think its a problem of sociability, because the most of the time she is only at home,
First of all you need to socialize her as much as you can, meaning take her along as often as possible. But without actually DOING anything. Just let her find out by herself that things are not that dangerous. The most important thing is for her to be taken along OFTEN.
If she spends most of her time at home, she is bound to get frightened by all the new things she is not used to.
One more aspect can be that she is about to start her season (or has just had her season). So if this has got anything to do with hormones it will change soon enough.
But leaving a dog mainly at home is never a good thing if you want a dog that is happy and well-adjusted around for instance people and traffic.
How can she possibly learn by just being at home?
Hi have you heard of Cesar Millan He works in US and has written many books on the subject, He always says that you should always introduce many different types of people BUT there should be ''no touch, no speak and no eye contact'' made by any of them, also perhaps they should, after a while, give a wee tit bit, and then walk away, but you should be as calm as you can, I bet that you are worried when she meets someone else, worried that she will be timid and that she will be upset, when someone new comes into her life. Just let her come to them don't ask them to come to her, well its worth a try....

alfie my setter would lie on the ground as soon as a car would go past us, i just ignored him, and after about a week he became more confident, as soon as walked as normal when a car went past, i started to give him a treat. now he is fine with traffic. hope this helps.

amanda, alfie and holly
It happens and could be difficult to dissolve. Try to give us more information.
Remember never to frighten your dog, esp. your voice is very decisive. You should be an actor, talk to her sweet voice, encourage her. Never talk to her "Don't be affraid..." - in your voice is there caution and dog hear it. Talk sweet to her: " Look, what a nice girl, dog... Go ahead, say hallo..." - in your voice there will be quiet and joy or something like, and dog hear it.
This is for begining
when she sees new people, she is afraid at first, and then she tries to approach but she afraids again, when she sees this new people again she afraids again, with other dogs she is a little bit less afraid, she is one year old,
I agree that you should seek a good obedience or agility club. You need to build her confidence and trust.
My dog was terrified of the sound our garbage-can makes when I roll it out to the street. It was really strange because she isn't affraid of much else and loves loud noises. One time I rolled the trash out and she ran away barking to her pen and wouldn't leave for a day without being carried out. After she recovered from the "trauma" a bit I started playing with her closer and closer to the trashcan. When she would bark at the trash can I would sit by her and pet her. I would also give her treats in the presence of the trashcan or play fetch with her and get her closer and closer to the trash can by throwing her toy to different distances from it and praising her when she overcame some of her fears. She still is very timid when near the trashcan but it really isn't a big deal and yesterday when I was throwing away some lawn mess it didn't deter her from enjoying "helping" me clean up the yard.
I would suggest paring the things that are scary to her with things she loves like treats, attention, praise, or toys. Try to find situations where she can be mildly uncomfortable but not so much that she doesn't enjoy her favorite things. Also try to find situations where she can progressively move towards what scares her at her own pace.
I think you should have your dogs eyes examined, there is a condition called Posterior Polar Cataract (PPC), it is a cataract that forms suddenly at the back of the lens of the eye, you cannot see it when looking at the eye, but it impairs sight. You said your dog was not nervous as a puppy, the effect of the change on vision may be why she has become fearful, she perhaps just sees large object moving toward her without being able to distinguish what they are.

I think good advice has been given previously and whatever the outcome you still need to follow it to help her adapt. I would be very interested to know if this was the cause, please would you let us know in the future?

I believe that Irish Red & White Setters are affected by PPC and they are trying to identify the gene responsible in order to get a DNA test, it would not surprise me if we find Irish Setters are also affected.




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