Exclusively Setters

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Poor Vito: When we go for walks in the snow, after a few minutes he`s not able to walk anymore due to huge amounts of ice between his toes! Someone told me to use "Ballistol" which is an oil originally to clean weapons and it helps to protect the toes and paws from the ice... What do you recommend? Please, no shoes!!!! :-)

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A pair of wellies....OR a bit of vaseline between the pads, I also always put towels on the radiator before we go out so these help melt the ice balls in the feathers on our return, a bit off a faff but dont they just love the snow////Sue
I recommend vaseline as well.
I was told to try a product called musher's wax. It was made for sled dogs. It will help also keep them from cracked and bleeding pads. I had the same problem with my last dog when it was fresh snow. Till it packed down in the woods, he would usually drop down after a few minutes and start picking it out, which made it turn to ice. And we would have to head home. I just got a link for you. Many sites sell it but I found Amazon a bit cheaper. The reviews of the product are glowing. Good luck.
Hallo Christine
meine Jungs laufen ja 5 Monate pro Jahr im Schnee. Von den Lawinenhunden im Einsatz haben wir folgende Geheimwaffe erfahren:
Kennst Du "Penaten"? Bei uns in Warenhäusern erhältlich. "Sanft wie Öl" ist eine aus Aloe Vera bassierende, nicht ölige Lösung, die eigentlich für die Babyhaut gedacht ist. Fülle die Flüssigkeit in einen Zerstäuber um und sprühe sie vor dem Spaziergang auf / unter die Pfoten. Geht auch super für die langen Haare bei Neuschnee. Es bilden sich keine Bälle an den langen Haaren und hält mind. 3 Stunden
Viele Grüsse
Falls Du es nicht bekommst, schicke ich es Dir :-)
Liebe Grüsse und einen dicken Schmatz an Vito




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