Exclusively Setters

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Do setters like the smell of pot particulary?

Strange question I know but was out with Reuben and he shot off behind some bushes (totally ignoring my whistle) , to find a group
of teens. They looked a bit suspect and returned Reuben to me keeping me well away from where they were sitting. I just wonder if the smell of what they may have been smoking a huge temptation to Reuben!

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Oh and just to add to this, Reuben then had a mental 10 mins at home and I think he must of snuck a quick puff!!!!
Haha, like it Sue!
Too funny Lousie! Maybe I should go back thirty years to my youth and light one up again and see how Cash acts?

I know I still like the smell of it anyway.
That is so funny!
But I don't think they are keen on that particular smell - at least according to my experience. Recently on one of our park jogs I found a little bad and silver paper (yes, those memories from 30 years ago :))
It was in front of Gina's nose. It didn't bother her. She didn't even try to find the phone...
Haha, our dogs aren't dopey smokers then, just some of the naughty owners from years back. Careful our dogs will all be on the mobiles snitching on us!!!!




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