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I often wondered if other people have favourite colours.  Strangely enough, my least favourite colour is orange belton, and I have had more orange than anything, my absolute favourite is dark blue belton and tan, as can be seen on the attached photo of my darling boy Fabian:

Fabian went to live with a friend, together with my pointer when illness meant me having to rehome my dogs, he was from the first litter sired by my darling Leon so was a very special boy too.  I still get to see him and would love one just like him in the future.

My husband thought he preferred the blues and, when we lost Leon, we were teasing each other about which colour we were going to get and we ended up with another orange, (Henry, who we wouldn't swap for the world :) ), and he now prefers oranges out of any of the colours.


So, I just wondered, do you have a fave colour or do you just take whatever life throws at you.  I realise for show purposes we are looking at construction etc first, but what if two pups are of equal merit but different colours..which would you choose?

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Hi Sheree
My favourite colour is blue with a black eye patch. I've had two now dog and a bitch. That's not to say that I didn't love my tri bitch, since passed away and my new orange that we have now. Maybe it's because my first one was blue and he was such a fantasic dog, lived till 14 1/2. I've never been drawn to the orange until now, but getting a new puppy these days is getting harder and harder to do so there isn't as much choice these days.
I always thought that my first English would be an Orange belton so you could have knocked me over with a feather when I fell in love with my little tri boy, Windsor. I love all the colours as I think each one is unique but my heart I must admit is with the Orange Beltons :-)

I always preferred the blue beltons, until I got an orange!! i like the oranges because I think that their faces look softer, but then that is the more American lines that seem to have bigger spots rather than that spotting like Fabian above. 

I currently have an orange and a tri.  i like the tri because again I think that the orange just softens the face a little.  I still prefer the orange though.

If i could absolutely choose any colour and they were equal in every other way, I would choose a Liver belton!! but since that colour is practically non-existent in the UK and I don't want a dog with US lines, I think i'll be sticking to orange as my preference.

Would choose blue over anything but at present have a blue, a tri and an orange!! My husband likes the orange as does my 15 year old son but my older son is more for tris!! In Australia there seems to be a leaning towards orange, not sure why, thing is that judges get used to one colour and does that affect placings?
When I had my first English he was an orange and everyone in the ring had blues or tris, then I got a tri a few years later and the winners were oranges, the oranges seem to have been very popular in the UK for a few years now and in Henry's junior classes they were all oranges with the exception of two tris.  We went to an open show just before Christmas, there were 19 English entered and only one of them was a tri, the others were all oranges.  When I'm judging I don't let my colour preference overrule my thoughts on construction etc., but there are judges that we all know only like oranges.

I do agree that certain colours may start to influence placings as much as some people refuse to say it does. In saying that, perhaps the quality of the orange is just leading in Australia, hence the preference for breeding it.

When i first started showing, granted in my state in Australia, there were only two to three ES showing, but throughout the country, I was one of very very few that was showing a Tri. 


i too have noticed the increase in orange in the UK in the last couple of years... seems to have had the opposite happen in Australia - there seems to be a few more blues and tris in the ring than they were when I first started showing in 2002.

I really like blue-beltons, especially that blue grey colouring with lots of little flecks in long silky hair, I really think it looks lovley.

My own 'blue' is very black & white, he has some flecks but I think his face markings are as close to a springer spaniel as you'll ever see :)

My other setter is apparently a lemon belton or so I've been told, very similar to an orange but with lighter pigment in the eyes & nose & very faint flecking except on his head...so I guess I have a soft spot for this colouring too.

But Setters tend to look good in any colour if you ask me ! :)

Have to agree with your sentiments Michelle :-)
So do I! There isn't a colour that would stop me having one.

Me neither - not really!!


I love them all x

Another trend may be in the making...we were at an open show on Saturday and, of the 20 odd English entered, only 2 of them were blues, the others were all oranges.

I'm booked into the Midland English Setter Championship show next month, it will be interesting to see what colour is more prominent in the classes there.

If there were one stud dog in particular that everyone was flocking to, and he were orange I could maybe understand an influx of oranges, but there are a real mixture being used at the moment so I just can't think why this is happening.

I would add that I am very happy with my orange boy...he won his class again and another reserve best of breed...bless his little orange socks :-)




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