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Errol is going through - what looks to be - his annual eye infection. He had it around about the same time last year after he'd just moved in with us and then intermittendly over the summer. We got it checked out by the vets at the time and where given some droplets (forgot the name, sorry) which were a right pain to apply as Errol would never hold still. Ocasionally I managed to apply them when he was asleep but he became quiet weary of me so in the end and I just gave up. 

The problem dissappeared over autumn/winter/early spring months but has now returned with a vengeance. Last week the yellow discharge coming out of his eye (just the right one mind!) was quite revolting. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the eye itself though although it's obviously itching. I usually just wash his eyes with tissue soaked in a home made saline solution several times a day and the discharge has gone down a bit. I have no idea what triggers the infection: drafts, allergies etc. Has anybody had the same problems? I have heard that there are some homeopathic remedies such as Euphrasia, Aconite, Pulsatilla and Sanicula. Any thoughts on those? I even heard that there is stuff you can put in with the food (Newton Homeopathics from the US) which I thought was a bit wacky... but hey I'm open to ideas.

Just in case anybody raises the issue I have a vet appointment coming up so can can ask for medical advice just thought I check first what the 'professionals' would do...

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I know how hard it is to the ears, eyes and for us the nails.  Good luck!  Even with four people holding onto Cash, he can make the simpliest things a major ordeal. 

that's interesting.. every time we have a small problem i open this web site and i find a post about.. well, I am really really sorry for the others of course..at the same time is a relief we find such very useful info and suggestions from experienced people.. guess this is what this web site is about (for simple pet owners as us..)


now, ten days ago the oberon eyes were really red - after a 3days trip on the beach, so lot of running with salt and sand, sand and salt ;) - and with some morning yellow discharge. We had some antibiotic drops (in paste, really easy to apply) for 1 week from the vet, and the discharge cleared nicely. Eyes are still red, mostly on the bottom part. On the either end, I have to admit that I have seen this part red since quite a lot while he developed from puppy to an adult age (he's 14 months now): I am wondering if, with not discarge or signs of discomfort, this is his "normal" colour and we dont have to be worry about... are your dogs eyes really white all around the pupil?

thanks !! I will try the tea bag option (I usually clean the eyes every morning with boric solution I buy from boots)


Hi KC and Errol, have just been searching for this discussion and wondered how you got on with the various advice offered as Harry seems to have developed an allergy similar to what you are describing. It's the first time he has had it  and I took him to the vet thinking he had been stung as he came up in lumps and bumps all over his head and face. Initially we solved the problem with piriton but am not really happy giving him that all the time although I have managed to reduce the dose drastically as he was very sleepy!!!


The main problem now is his eyes, the vet acknowledged they were red but didn't suggest any treatment so have been bathing them in saline solution which helps but he also has a nasty gunky mess all around them so wondered if the tea helped????


Hi Christine - sorry to hear about Harry coming out in what sounds like hives. Errol only ever had the gunky eye discharge - no rash or similar. I must admit that in the end I went back to the vets to get some anitbiotics. I tried the saline solution and the tea but it didn't clear up the infection. I never got round to Neil's Yard to get Nicole's herbs mixed up but it's something I will definitely try next time. In Errol's case I believe it's actually a seasonal allergy as it's now happended at exactly the same time two years running. I wipe his eyes every morning with a clean pad soaked in warm water. At the moment he still has some minor discharge throughout the day and slightly reddish eyes but he doesn't seem to be in any discomfort or itchy so I'm not worried. Do let us know if you fancy trying the Neil's Yard remedy.... Good luck!
Hi KC and Errol, thanks for the prompt reply, Harry doesn't seem to be itchy either but the watery eyes and the gunky mess make him look so sad...will see how I go, not sure about neal's yard but will let you know of i do try!!
Hi Christine same problem with Hamilton lumps and bumps eyes not too bad as I wash them with teabags each morning. The lumps and bumps I wash with a diluted anti bacterial liquid available from the chemist this clears them up quite quickly. It makes you wonder what is being put on our land Good luck Lois
the vet told us that a  natural discharge, after a night sleep, should be white/brown.. yellow is a sign of infection, so in her opinion is better to apply a mild antibiotic .. i have to admit that it was really easy to apply and, in our case, it cleared the (supposed) infection in 4-5 days.. I am not very keen on homephaty myself (just an opinion), so I would stick with the vet suggestion plus regular cleaning.. But why not tea? I used "camomilla" in my own eyes as mild cleaner and I usually find it works for me...

I agree with you Silvia.If you go to the vets there seems little point in not carrying out the treatment advised.


mmm...well I did go to the vet and although he prescribed piriton for the hives he didn't seem worried about the eyes at all which I thought a but strange,,,will probably end up going back but thanks for the info Howard
Thanks Silvia , yes usually follow vets advise but in thsi instance he never have any!!! Good to know the tea bags work, might give that a go!!
Sue...I don't put tea IN my dogs eyes.....I wipe over their eyes with cottonwool pads soaked in the tea.

One of my bitches has had an infection in her right eye recently.  She is still having drops twice a day for what my vet said is conjunctivitis.  Her eye was very red with a yellow/green mucky discharge but didn't seem sore or itchy.  With this type of discharge I wouldn't think twice about treating it myself and headed straight off to the vet.  He said he has had a few recently with conjunctivitis that has been persistent and difficult to clear up and he has referred them to an eye specialist who has recommended using the drops for 3 weeks.  I have only been using the drops (Tiacil) for a few days and already the eye looks nearly back to normal.  No problems putting the drops in either, she is so good but having to put eye drops in my horses eyes for a whole winter a few years back I find dogs a whole lot easier!




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