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DNA Testing for PRA RCD4 is now available


We advise that all breeding stock is tested before mating.

We have arranged for SEISC members to receive a 20% discount for the test from next Monday for 5 days. Please go to our site www.seisc.co.uk for full details.

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Well said Lyn...and thanks for clarifying this...much better put than I have been doing...lets hope that will clear things up..once and for all...
Thanks for that Lyn;o))

>>>If your dog/bitch is DNA'd a carrier/affected you CAN still breed from such a dog but MUST use a DNA'd CLEAR mate.  Of course all puppies from such matings MUST be DNA'd to determine their PRA-rcd4 status.

This will ensure that the breeding lines are NOT thrown out with baby & bathwater, breeders will not face the heartache of having to start again, & MOST IMPORTANTLY the gene pool will not be diminished beyond a breed-viable point./strong>


I wrote this in another post (I think in another rcd4 thread?).

Sue have I blamed anyone...no...all through this I have been trying to stop this..but again people will breed from untested animals and again it was only an example of what could happen if all stock wasn't tested..It happened in the past and it will happen with this too. 

My god what do people think I am...I have had one of the blind bitches, slightly different type of LOPRA, but she was blind all the same. I personally think that only clear animals shoud be used. But I know that won't be fesable...


Sue, I was about to put something similar when I read your posting.  It is exactly as simple as that.  Stud dog owners should turn down bitches that haven't been tested, whether show or pet and breeders should not use untested dogs.

I agree with you and cannot imagine anyone knowingly breeding carrier to carrier.  I would not knowingly breed from an affected dog at all.

Dee.........who one earth is going to be churning out affected puppies? And did you mean buccal test? 

OH forgive me for not being able to spell...You just have got to show how ignorant I am....I am actually Dyslexic sorry for being a dunce, I will bow to your superiority if that is what you want.

I will not try to speak on this subject again...so very sorry for trying to help every one else. Most haven't had to live with a blind dog..but hey how what the hell do I know

I am sure the Breed Clubs will be informing us and advising what will be allowed to happen and not happen regarding the use of Irish Setters who are affected or carriers of PRA-rcd4.  I am sure they are liasing with the AHT and the Kennel Club regarding this but they have to have a bit of time to get together and hold committee meetings and get the correspondence together before they can get it out to us.  I can't believe that anyone would breed from a combination that would produce affected progeny.  When CLAD was first identified (but there was no test available) a lot of breeders held off from breeding a litter until the test was introduced and they knew the status of their breeding stock.  I am sure anyone who knows about PRA-rcd4 would now hold off and not have a litter until they know the way forward but of course there are the people who breed who are not members of breed clubs, do not show and therefore do not have a clue that there is a new condition which has been identified and that there is a test available.


Hi there Wilko.

So eloquently put I have been floundering about trying to say the same thing...and got myself into truble with the way I have put it...ah well, all I can say is ''I agree''

As for the test's I think it was taking the Gordons only a couple of weeks to get the results...but as you say there may well be a backlog to deal with when this gets started...but not long in the scheme of things

I agree with Dee.....'well said Mr Jansen '...common sense prevails!

I know I said that I won't be commenting on this again, (as I am oviously wrong about everything...not by you Mel) But I have got to agree with that...and like Wilko...so eloquently put...I wish I could put things so well, but hey I am a dumbo.

I think as you say the waiting for the results will be the worst thing though.

And hey to someone like me...that is exactley what I read...''done the test''....but as I said I'm Dyslexic I wouldn't pull anyone up for minor infringements in written English..probably wouldn't do it full stop....so no Oops necessary...

Hey Dee... Don't put yourself down girl!

Your no 'dumbo' by any means and your experienced opinion counts as much as anyone else on this site!

I see what you mean by errors Mel....there's two o's in too!  :-)




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