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I came across this expression here some time ago and it made me wonder...


Errol’s sire was huge, possibly the biggest IS I have ever come across. His mum was rather more petite. He’s definitely not taken after his dad and he is not what I’d consider a lad-ish dog. OK, he humps like there is no tomorrow but physically he is probably rather on the short'n'slight side of the IS. Mind you we've only ever met one other IS boy in Brighton so I've had little opportunity to compare him directly with others. However that one IS we met was exactly the same age but at least 1 inch taller and much bigger build and angular which made me wonder, too…


A few days ago I took Errol out in the evening and came across some youths hanging out in the streets (we live in a less salubrious area). As we walked past them Errol stopped to cocked his leg and one of the chaps said "Oh it's a fella - I thought it's a birddog (sic!)..." And that was the third time I pondered the gender issue…


Has anybody else come across this issue with their boys (or alternatively with their girls)? Any comments from breeders... I'm not worried just curious.

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Hi, I have a dog that get's mistaken for a bitch fairly regularly. He is average height at 26 1/2 inches at the shoulder and as there isn't any size stipulation in the Kennel Club breed standard, he cannot be too small. The standard requires elegance and racy refinement, so in my opinion he fits that particular bill. I do see though, that he's short of masculinity and I must accept that as a fault. On the other hand there are some absolutely massive Irish Setters about, and that's not correct either.

Personally I prefer a moderate dog, rather than a big chunky overdone Irish.


Dawn R.

very interesting topic.. but , again. what do you consider as the typical height for a small/average/tall male IS (UK IS, since I think in other countries they may be a bit smaller or taller)?

I can't type much my right index finger got bitten by a dog this afternoon.Don't ask!


I would start worrying when he asks for pink nail varnish and a pink bow!

had a chuckle at that pink nail "varnish".....nail enamel or nail polish would be the ladylike way to refer to it so no doubt none of Howard's male's have demanded it.......besides I thought they would just take it and not ask in true Irish Setter form.:)

Ouch on that finger Howard.....hope it heals soon but you know we are now overly curious how you got bit on just the one finger!!  Take it easy on that finger.


I don't really know.

A dog I don't know,ownerless and loose , had a 'go ' at my dogs but didn't bite them and as he ran past me he bit my finger.

uhoooh on that bite! Hope you saw a Dr and reported the mystery dog? and now hoping that dog had all his shots....we don't need you under the weather again Howard!
I did both! Then ,yesterday, I choked on a fly that flew into my mouth as I walked in the park.Nobody was there and I made it to a nearby house where they helped me.My wife says I am not safe to be out on my own!

This discussion prompted me to take a photo of Blaze and Reba: A big'un and a little'un.

Both are fully grown, Reba is 17 months old and very obviously female, Blaze is 11.5 years old and definitely male.

Measurement at withers: Reba 57-58 cm / Blaze 72-73 cm.

Blaze is a big boy, but very very handsome;o))) And Reba a pretty little lady;o) Quite opposite in size! My bitches are all similar height around 62cm(24 1/2 inches) and Milo is taller 67cm(26 1/2 inches) and very much a doggie dog!! I like to look at a dog and know straight away he is a male!!

Blaze is really huge (!) and definitely too big for the Irish & FCI standard which ranges from a minimum of 55 cm for bitches to a maximum of 67 cm for dogs. But he is still a very lovely boy!

Just out of interest: last time on the scales little Reba weighed 18 kg (skinny!) and Blaze was 42 kg (well fed;o))

On average my bitches weigh 25kg and Milo is around 31kg(now that he is on raw food!!, before he only managed 28kg) I cannot imagine a 42kg setter;o)))) Would not like him(Blaze) to sit on my lap;o)
He likes to sit on the couch with his front feet still on the ground and his back end on the couch or on your lap:-))




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