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Regarding new members without any references: Hazel Moore and Lyric Martin

I have blocked these people on my profile. I am not interested in their friendship. Thankyou to all the other concerned members in letting us now about these phantom setter owners.

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Just wondering: What references should be used for new members? Isn't it easy to invent profiles and fake dogs?
No matter what control systems you use, a forum like this is not 100 per cent controllable.
As a new member to this site, and cyber communities, I'm a bit lost when it comes to this "Friendship" thing. Are there people out there trying to break a record for the most "friends", or is there some other reason for them offering "friendship" to people completely unknown, and seemingly without any type of common link? Besides all that, what a great site. It's fantastic to see so many beautiful dogs being loved and giving their love in return. Well done to all concerned. I look forward to maintaining a long and frutiful relationship with the genuine doggy people out there. I'm still without a red dog, but hopefully, that situation will change soon. Cheers, Pam.
I only ask to be a friend if I want to communicate privately with that person. I hate to bother the whole group with my woes!
And Pam I am without an irish right now as well. But still lurking here with these lovely people. I have a new one coming in January if the Setter Gods don't disappoint me again.
Hmm, I'd noticed 'Hazel Moore' grabbing on to new members and making friends... and that seems to be 'her' sole interest... I also am suspicious...
I wonder if these people are trying to network to sell products. Do you remember another one a few months ago? She was apparently over in the States somewhere - I can't recall her name, but she sent friend requests out to all corners of the world and then started sending advertising - I think it was books?? She was on my friends list, but she has disappeared off my list??
Thanks Jarno for recollecting the name. She was the one!!! I knew it was something like that, but couldn't remember the spelling.

I am happy to have friend requests from strangers (people I don't know on ES who have setters), but some of these ladies, even their photos don't look genuine!! So, any suspicions, we just let Gene know and he will sort them out
I think that they are probably selling themselves, (looking for Love in all the wrong places)...I have been told by an IT person that they go onto the net, on these kind of sites, as a job lot, and perhaps they will meet someone, sad way of doing things, selling yourself like a lump of beef, ah well whatever floats your boat!!!!
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With regard to the bogus member a few months ago, 'she' was reported to Gene who deleted her from the site as it is his site. Gene does try to spot these non-genuine setter people but cannot check out everyone, but if he is alerted to suspicions he will go in & check their details & remove them from the group so whenever any seems supect it is always worth sending a messagethrough to him.

Hi, There seems to be another one of these strange people on the site.  I recieved a notice to be this person's "friend". On her page there was only a fuzzy picture of "her" - no Setter photo's - she claimed to be from Libya.  Refused. 

I remember Hazel Moore and Lyric Martin and us having this conversation before.  So they have come back have they? These ladies are probably treating this Site as a doggie FB.  I would swear Gene has deleted them once already. 

I think "lumps of meat" is probably a bit harsh but you are right, they do seem to come on as a job lot.  Well as we all talk about matings, birthings and wormings they won't find much to join in with........... 




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