What a great Christmas gift :) Klajd passed his field trial exam today....It was his first attempt and third time in field with pheasants:) This is a picture from the last winter....I didn't took pictures today cause I stayed at home with Maja and Nika....Men were doing the hunting,but brougth nothing for dinner:)
Just back home in time from Switzerland to celebrate the birthday of my sweet Odin who turned 12 years today. I don't think I can describe my feelings for this dog... Just love her soooo much! May she stay with me for many years to come! Happy birthday my girl!…
Better late than never ;)))))) As always delayed with the photos, but finally here they are!
Please visit my website www.diervilla.pl to see most of irish setters from Amsterdam Winner 30-11-2008
On Saturday Dec. 6th we had the first 'Coppersheen International Field Day' in the Alsace, France. Six Irish of my breeding plus Duncan as a 'special guest' enjoyed learning a bit about setter work in the field. Four of the 'Ds' aged 7 months had their very first bird experience and they took to it like a duck to water... or a setter to the field;-))
We were a very international group with nationalities covering CH, F, D, H, SA and GB and… Continue
No JH to boast about yet. I have to wait until March for the next local hunt tests. But I took Timmy out in November to our very first hunt tests. (first for BOTH of us). We passed our first time out, and I was hooked... and came back the next weekend for 2 more!! I really wish I hadn't waited until the end of the season to try it....... but 3 out of 4 ain't bad!! All we need is one more pass.
It is a joy to see them in the field. Timmy has a… Continue